This post contains an affiliate link. I will be compensated for purchases you make through this link. On a whim I posted to my Facebook status the fact that I was taking suggestions for what to blog about tonight. My choices were (in this order): 1) my sock drawer (thanks, Fred D.) 2) the Leon County […]
Today I Scanned My Coffee Cup
First, before I explain the coffee-cup theme, I need to clarify something about my blog. As my friend Velva aptly pointed out, this blog is about a lot more than running. Even when the week’s post is anchored by a running event, somehow it always meanders off into parenting, finding your dreams, or other topics. […]
Today is Not That Day
Yesterday, I participated in the 5K portion of “Miller’s Landing Madness,” an annual Gulf Winds cross-country race characterized by trails in lieu of pavement and middle school/high school runners all “shiny new” with ambition for the new season. Wayne Kevin participated in the 3K. It was a beautiful morning for running (something no one could […]
Dolphin, Untagged
I have known what this week’s blog post would be for almost exactly a week now, since shortly after posting last week’s entry. For last week’s blog, I had used pictures that my friends Jeff and Ann took of Wayne participating in the Central Florida TriKidz triathlon. I was writing my blog as Jeff was […]
The Travails of a Two-Armed Part-Time Job Applicant
This week’s blog is only peripherally about running. To write about running this week would in some ways be a repeat of last week. Wayne Kevin did a Kids Triathlon without me present (again). I did a running event Saturday morning (again). There were no bananas at my event (the annual Breakfast on the Track […]
Sometimes It Is Easy to Let Go
I worked a race Saturday (Coach Mike’s Run for the Kids 5K), so I didn’t do any personal banana counting. (I did run the course afterwards, and after the uphill grade of Mitchell Drive, I understood those stressed looks on finishers’ faces at the end.) Throughout my run of the course, I was brainstorming what […]