Last week, I shared the essay I had written in response to’s writing prompt. LM’s
Writing School – The Revision
Last week, I shared the essay I had written in response to’s (LM) writing prompt. LM’s editor had provided some feedback about my piece, which I also shared with you in last week’s post. So, this week, here’s the revised piece, hopefully incorporating LM’s very constructive feedback. Circular Thinking I am running around in […]
Writing School
Hello everyone from Chesire, CT. Tenley and I have been in NJ/NY/CT since last Wednesday in order to attend our dear friend Kimmi’s bat mitzvah. Since I am in the process of packing to leave, here’s what I am doing for this week’s blog. I mentioned in a previous blog that I, unlike my children, […]
Aging Out
In my work at Healthy Kids, we frequently use the term “age out” to describe the situation where a child has become too old for the program he or she has been in. For example, child who turns 5 has “aged out” and must move from MediKids to Healthy Kids. A child who turns 19 […]
Going the Distance
Yesterday, Wayne Kevin and I ran the Women’s Distance Festival race in Indianhead Acres. I was really happy to
Going the Distance
Yesterday, Wayne Kevin and I ran the Women’s Distance Festival race in Indianhead Acres. I was really happy to run my second sub-39:00 race in twelve days, and Wayne had a good mile run as well. My original draft for this blog talked about one of the main topics of curiosity on Wayne’s part when […]