Stand clear of the closing doors please! I heard those seven words multiple times over the course of my time at Open House New York, October 18-20, 2024 (and during the launch party on October 17). What an incredible opportunity to criss-cross the city I love by subway, bus and miles upon miles walked. The […]
What to do after someone’s dream dies
“You can achieve anything you put your mind to.” How many times have you heard something like this (or said it)? In our lives, there are times when the “anything” in that statement is out of reach. For a long time, my goal was to run one mile in less than 10 minutes. I spent […]
Nov. 27, 2022, Perspicacity
Hey! Here’s another 15-minute free write featuring the stuff in my head. First, tomorrow is my 58th birthday. Wow, do I feel fortunate to have made it this far. I’m not personally a fan of Facebook fundraisers (that said, if it’s your thing, go for it and if it’s a cause I support, I’ll probably […]
Nov. 20, 2022, Perspicacity
It has been a long time, hasn’t it? I blogged weekly for more than a decade. I wrote every Sunday, possibly missing five weeks in that whole time. This fall, my blogging fell off the rails and I still haven’t decided what’s next. I know a few things, though. Therefore, bear with me as I […]
31-Day Writing Challenge 2022
Hello friends! This will be the home to the posts I wrote during the 2022 31-day writing challenge. I’ve participated in this challenge for quite a few years. This year, I am handwriting my response to each prompt. I’m doing this because I hate how bad my handwriting has gotten, so my goal is to […]
Banned Books Week 2022: “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”
It’s Banned Books Week 2022! (The week started on Sept. 18 and lasts through Sept. 24.) Since 2014, I have participated in the Banned Books Week Virtual Readout (which, by the way, can be done anytime — not just during BBW). In 2021, I read from “Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You” (here’s the recording and my post.) […]