“Orbit” is a community of bloggers, journalists, activists and other creators who collaborate to bring attention to important issues that impact our world.” They’ve invited us bloggers to share a cause important to us and they’re going to choose one to donate $300 to.
One cause I’d love to see $300 go to is Children’s Tumor Foundation. I ran for them on Thanksgiving Day and plan to run for them again this Saturday at the “quarter” version of our Tallahassee Swamp Trail Marathon.
I may be running for them, but the true “endurance team” behind CTF is the children who have neurofibromatosis and their families. I’m especially thinking of my friend Tammy and her son, Jacob. Their love is iron-clad enduring; helping Jacob and kids like him, honestly, takes dollars in addition to enduring love.
For that reason, I’d be over the moon with excitement if the $300 went to Children’s Tumor Foundation!

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
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