As a reminder, here’s each day’s theme:
But our dinner outing ended up necessitating a step up from my denim crop pants so I was able to slip into the sparkly green shirt I had packed.
On Sunday, I had a 4.5 hour drive ahead of me to return from Palm Coast to Tallahassee, so comfort was key. Good thing it was “cozy” day!
I bought these black pants last summer when Tenley were preparing to go to Guatemala and ended up wearing them home on the plane. Turns out they are good traveling pants. The shirt is made of a super soft cotton and carries great memories of my run last September on Roosevelt Island for Women for Women International.
This pillow in the room where I was sleeping would not be denied being featured for cozy day. Fluffy = Cozy.
I was pretty pleased with the end result (and it wasn’t 80’s blue!):
Next up: “So ‘my city'” day. Cue the Marching Chiefs for that one:

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
You are one busy lady! Whew! And still find time to blog? That's amazing. Btw, I think you rocked the sexy day!
You are so stinkin' cute, Paula! I'll have you know that I just don't have the energy to visit any blogs tonight, but I couldn't go to bed without checking in on you. I agree with Alicia. You rocked sexy day! Meeeow! 😉 lol
You are rocking' this March style challenge, Paula! Inspirational indeed! …and I agree that Bonnie is the bomb 😉
You are one of the busiest people I know! And I agree with the others – you totally ROCKED Sexy Day! 🙂
Knock-Off vs. Genuine Hunger Games
you definitely rocked sexy day but my favourite is black and whte day- that whole ensmble really, really suits you!! x