I love you and you are mine.
Sandra is five years old (her birthday was on March 7)
She lives with her father, mother, and 2 year old brother
Sandra speaks Kiche
The family lives in one room, with adobe walls, dirt floors, and a corrugated metal roof
The family members sleep on wooden beds and cook on a firewood stove
The family’s approximate monthly income in US dollars is $60
Sandra’s father plants black beans and Sandra’s mother washes clothes for other people
Sandra and her family need the additional hope that a sponsorship gives. Please consider sponsoring her or shining a light on her situation by helping me spread the word!
Here’s a sample tweet:
I am helping “Tell A Story” about Sandra, a 5 year old in Guatemala who needs help via @CFCA sponsorship. Contact @biggreenpen for details!
Note from Paula: It is possible that more than one person may contact CFCA about sponsoring Sandra or that a potential sponsor may really have their heart set on sponsoring a boy instead of a girl, a child from one of the 21 other countries served by CFCA, or an elderly person. Please know that CFCA has many sponsorship opportunities available and will be happy to work with you to select who you want to sponsor. You can get more details on that here.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
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