“They’ll have to pry my African Violets from my cold dead hands.”
Many of us (I count myself in this number) don’t like unexpected changes in our work environments. Sometimes the change is something relatively minor (maybe a piece of decorative art on the wall was changed). Other times, the change is more drastic (people accustomed to having their own offices are moved to a cubicle setup, perhaps).
Where do office plants fit into that picture, and how rigid should management be about the topic?

The potential for an office plant ban for Florida state employees
Florida DMS warns state workers may lose their office plants, says a recent Tallahassee Democrat article (the quote at the beginning of this post is from the article). To summarize, the agency responsible for managing state employees and properties is considering a “plant policy” for the approximately 800 people working for DMS. The policy is apparently being developed in response to “negative impacts caused by the flowers, house plants and cacti [employees] use to decorate their desks and offices.”
At first, I primarily laughed at this article. I’ve been a Florida state employee. I’m married to a Florida state employee. If there were a range of “things that threaten the State of Florida employee base,” houseplants would not earn themselves a high spot.
As with any question of this nature, though, the answer lies somewhere in between.
Is the “BBC Ban” a legitimate reference point?
The Tallahassee Democrat article says, “The BBC banned plants when it opened new offices in London in 2013.” Well, yes … and no. This “Daily Mail” article from 2013 explains it. First, employees were “urged not to” (versus being “prohibited from”) include plants (deemed as carrying the potential to “form un-collaborative barriers” along with being allergens and inviting insects) in their office decor. Second, the “urging” extended to other items: “kettles, microwaves, fridges, lamps, heaters or fans” and coat-stands (which apparently obscure the line of vision). The kettles, heaters and fans pose the danger of setting off fire alarms. In addition, trash cans were replaced by “recycling hubs.”
I wonder how many of those prohibitions that were laid down in 2013 are still in effect at the BBC in 2019. For the sake of our discussion, though, the point is that it was not a ban exactly. Here’s the last line of the “Daily Mail article. A BBC spokesman said: ‘There’s no official ‘ban’ on plants. We’d just prefer it if people didn’t bring them in.'”
Are there true problems with plants in offices?
Back to the Tallahassee article. These are the issues a DMS spokesperson shared: “House plants can contribute to mold growth, damage desks and windows in offices and encourage pests such as flies and mites when not properly cared for. “
Mold is something to take seriously. The State of Florida is facing a lawsuit over environmental issues (including mold) in the Northwood Center. As I have written about previously, I have a close friend whose life has been turned upside down by her spouse’s mold-related illness.
After I shared the Democrat article on my personal Facebook page, my good friend who had a stem cell transplant due to Multiple Myeloma told me she was prohibited from having plants at home for 100 days after her procedure due to the possibility of mold and germs.
The Wall Street Journal listed fungi spores that can aggravate asthma, odorless gasses known as “volatile organic compounds,” bugs and surplus carbon dioxide in the evenings “when energy from light isn’t available.” (To be fair, the article also covers the benefits of houseplants.
Is hot desking making houseplants a hot issue?
Most of my previous career, I had my own office. I am now a remote worker, so my plants are my own business (I can’t have plants, though, because my cats see them as snacks). My peers who do work at our brick and mortar office are all seated in a common room.
With the growth of cubicle setups and hot desking, the potential for houseplants to present a problem has expanded. The physical spacing is closer, and the boundaries are more difficult to define. Maybe that’s why the BBC saw plants as a potential “desk-grab” weapon.
It bears mentioning that there are other irritants in the office environment. There’s one comment (so far) on the Tallahassee Democrat article, and it mentions “cologne, hairspray, cigarette, pot, and other odors.” That’s true. Apparently, the houseplant issue has taken root and it’s getting its time in the policy-making spotlight.
A State Worker Says …
As I have thought through this article (and issue), it has become increasingly apparent that — as is often the case — one newspaper article can’t possibly accurately fully capture an issue and its nuances.
At dinner a few nights ago, I eagerly brought the topic up to my husband, who is senior enough at a state agency to be part of human resources policy discussions. I thought he would be as shocked and amused as I was.
His response (paraphrasing here)? “Oh that? That got distributed weeks ago. It’s another of those issues where a tiny minority that doesn’t take care of their plants causes a problem that results in a policy solution that also affects the people who aren’t causing a problem.”
Pruning this Issue to the Critical Point
I’m still amused at the article, partially because the writing highlighted the humor inherent in the situation (props to James Call). As I have thought about it and researched some of the nuances, though, I’m laughing a little less and thinking a little more.
Headlines don’t tell the whole story. Plants to pose a legitimate problem in the modern workplace. Awareness of how our individual choices affect our coworkers is not a bad thing, especially now that we are working in closer proximity to each other and expected to demonstrate flexibility regarding where and how we work.
Besides, maybe taking a quick nature break to step outside and get some fresh air the old-fashioned way might be better for our mental and physical health anyway.
What are your thoughts? Keep the kaffir lily or dump the donkey’s tail?

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Hi Paula, it’s been years since I worked in an office environment with others in close proximity, but I think I’d be more likely to support a ban on cologne and other ‘scent’ related things than plants. But that’s just me. 🙂
Yes I can totally see that!
A few negligent people and problems. I really never thought about plants being an issue, interesting. Then there is the communal refrigerator. Those that eat everyone else’s food or those that never clean out their food!
Oh Haralee that’s a WHOLE OTHER POST. 🙂
One more reason I am glad I work for myself, by myself and in a home office. I can do whatever the hell I want! This is getting out of hand! It’s all about policing each other now and it terrifies me. I would like to propose a ban on bad breath and BO! 😉
I feel the same way about working in a home office (with the caveat that I sincerely enjoy the company of my coworkers and wish the mix leaned toward a bit more time with them). The flexibility is something you get very used to.
I have to agree with Candi. Perfume & cologne are a lot worse to deal with!
It would be interesting to research/write a post about that!
I’ve been an office worker for over 40 years. I did work in an office, over 25 years ago, which banned plants. I love plants so much I took several of those plants home (and one of them, believe it or not, is still alive). I have several plants in my office cubicle and I do make sure they are healthy. If one ever got insect pests, out it would immediately go. (This has happened to other people on my floor – I am far from the only plant person.) I personally think perfumes and scented lotions are a bigger issue. My employer hasn’t weighed in on plants but there are official policies about perfumes and similar odors. And, we are totally non smoking – you can’t even go to your car in a far lot and smoke there.
I seriously love the fact that you have nurtured one of those orphan plants for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS!!!!