I am participating in 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes 2018 (all of my submissions can be found here).
Today’s prompt is: BRIEF
I had to laugh when I saw the word “brief” included as one of this year’s prompts. It’s like Kate had a crystal ball into my life! Ditto for “search” as a prompt, since my job came about partially after a year and a half as a freelance searcher (and writer).
I may say it too much, but when you’re this grateful and happy about a life development, it bears repeating. I feel so fortunate to have become a full-time editor at SmartBrief after a lengthy period as a freelancer.
I was in a conversation with a friend last night via Twitter DMs (so 2018, right?) and she asked how the new job is going. I told her how much I love it, and said something about how it can take decades to find the right fit job-wise. I went on to say, “I should have worked in something that involved my writing much sooner.”
However, there’s a reason I spent so long in child health policy. There are many reasons, including learning how to deal with multiple program partners, learning to be patient while working through the byzantine tangle of federal regulations, figuring out what type of workplace aligns best with my style.
I don’t think I’m giving away any organizational secrets to say that one of the first things I was told when I started working as a freelancer was not to veer into sending things out into the world that are “StupidLong” instead of “SmartBrief.”
Honestly, that idea transfers to life in many ways, doesn’t it? Brevity is an art form and it takes work to craft complex packages of information into concise, easy-to-digest summaries that busy, distracted people make it a habit to read.
In brief, I am fortunate to have a chance to be part of it.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Yes you are!
Thanks for commenting so faithfully, this year like last year. I can’t believe we’re so close to the end!