Welcome to this week’s Five Minute Friday. Our instructions, via creator Kate Motaung: “Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation.
Today’s prompt: MOTIVATE
The first night we had Wayne Kevin home from the hospital, my mom held him, sitting in the recliner, I’m the dark, for hours so I could get a little sleep. I don’t know what she did to keep him calm. He was nursing so all she had was her patience, her love, and her motivation to help me by letting me get some sleep.
Over the past weeks, especially since Christmas Eve when she had a major health crisis and we weren’t sure she would survive, I have thought often of her patience with my son. Was it enough just to sit at her side while she couldn’t talk due to the breathing tube in her throat?
I thought about how many Sunday nights I had failed to call home (Sunday is our usual night) because I was more motivated to get to sleep. I thought about how desperately I want my children to want to call me.
After the crises of the last few weeks, I am motivated to do better. I almost lost the chance.
(This post written all thumbs on my iPhone from the ICU.)
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday linkup.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Dear writing friend, I lost my mom at 21 and almost didn’t live at home that last summer we had together. Thankful for a God who knows all. Thankful you found motivation to connect more with her. Blessings on your Friday, your FMF neighbor Julie
Thank you, Julie. I am grateful.
As a caregiver I think the thing I am most grateful is realizing that each day could be the last. I try a little harder, make a little more effort and I’ve seen the gratitude and love that follows.
YES. It’s a weird adjustment because my relationship with my father in law was so different. I know there’s a lesson in this — probably several.
Thanks for sharing this. Unfortunately I too have been motivated by loss and near loss. I’m thankful that God has given us second chances! Your neighbor at 5 Minute Friday today!
I am grateful too, Amy. I look forward to reading your post.
Aren’t we all motivated to do better? At least I know I am!
Me too. 2018 is giving me so much to work with on that front, right out of the gate. 🙂
Love your take on Motivate. Sometimes we need to just stop, drop things and do what is needed. You did. Well done.
Great to meet you here on FMF too. It’s my day to talk to Laura. Started at Medium.. 🙂
Janis #24
You are right; something like this makes you get your priorities straight, quickly. Glad we connected the dots via Medium!