Place this one in the “you had one job” files …
Wayne asked me to pick up several items for dinner, and sent this list:
I dutifully picked up the items I saw on the list, rechecking it several times, before picking my son up from an event and returning home. Several hours later, Wayne, who had been out, called before returning home to say “let’s go over the ingredients one more time” before he made the pasta recipe he had planned.
Him: “Did you get the butter?”
Me: The butter? That wasn’t on the list.
Him: I’m pretty sure I put it on the list.
Me (after glancing at the list): Oh no, it was on the list.
Fortunately, he had an opportunity to pick up the butter at the last moment, saving our menu from missing a critical ingredient (hooray!)
Sometimes, there are things on our lists that we have inadvertently neglected to do, and we are able to save check those things off before losing the opportunity.
There’s Another “Last Chance” Looming
I have been fortunate to be a Believer Blogger for Florida Prepaid for the past two years. During this open enrollment period, we’ve discussed expanding possibilities, turning dreams into realities, and the power of a Prepaid plan. Open enrollment ends February 29, so if you have been considering signing up for a Florida Prepaid plan for your child or a child you care about, it truly is time to check this task off the list.
Do You Still Have Concerns?
I know that your decisions about your family’s finances are personal and challenging. If you’re anything like us, you are juggling the expenses of necessities while trying to squeeze in some wants that make everyone happy!
I also know that it is easy for myths and misconceptions to exist about a program like Florida Prepaid. For example, many Floridians think it is not possible to use a prepaid plan at an out-of-state or private college. Fortunately, that’s not true.
Although prepaid plans are designed to be used at Florida Colleges or State Universities, the value of the plans can be used at other schools nationwide. Whether you pick a public, private, in-state or out-of-state school, the program pays the same as they would pay a Florida School. Our family is proof, because Tenley has used Florida Prepaid at Valdosta State University in Georgia!
Checking Prepaid Off the List
Ready to take action? Here’s what you need to know!
To learn more, click here or call 1.800.552.GRAD (4723)! If you purchase a plan, please provide the code BLOG1516 to receive a special gift.
As I mentioned, enrollment ends on February 29, 2016, and my fellow Believer Bloggers like Working Mom Magic, Raising Whasians, Mindy’s Fitness Journey, and I are eager to make sure as many children in Florida as possible can benefit from the current low prices and the variety of options available.
To sweeten the pot, I am offering a $10 gift card to Amazon, Starbucks, or Target (winner’s choice) to one of my readers who helps get the word out! The winner also gets a bonus green pen imbued with all kinds of optimistic mojo :-).
ps: dinner (WITH the butter) turned out great! Phew!
This post is sponsored by the Florida Prepaid College Board, through my role as a Believer Blogger. All thoughts are my own.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Glad you dinner wasn’t ruined.
Thanks for sharing this opp for Florida families.
I love sharing such a great program!! And in full disclosure, the butter was ACTUALLY for the roasted garlic and french bread but who wants pasta without the bread??!! 🙂
I’m just as bad about things like that too! Spaghetti looked fabulous though!
YEAH. It’s gotten laughable when it doesn’t make me soooo annoyed with myself! The recipe was quite tasty! Here it is:
I like the 4-Year Florida University Plan
That one covers many bases – thx for your comment!
I think the Florida 529 Savings Plan
SO much flexibility! Thx for stopping by and thx for commenting!
I’m looking at the Florida 529 Savings Plan, and am impressed with the variety of options available in terms of both portfolios and funds. I think that this is laid out rather clearly, so that both students and their families can be well-informed before the college years.
I agree! Thanks for stopping by!
I think the 4 year Florida College plan would be a good one.
I do too. Having a child (or children) in college is stressful enough; knowing so much of the expense is taken care of is a huge gift!
I like the 4-Year Florida University Plan.
It’s a great one – thx for commenting!
I am not a Floridian so let me know if I’m automatically DQ’d. Anyway, it’s The Florida 529 Savings Plan that appeals.
DQ for the giveaway? Not at all! Thx for dropping by! This article may be of interest – I found it when researching this post. It didn’t end up being a fit but it does apply to a broader readership than Florida!;_ylt=A0LEVy2Ci8xWWuwAvg5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–
maybe the 4-Year Florida University Plan since it covers tuition and most fees for 120 credit hours at a State University.
Isn’t that fantastic? Thanks for stopping by!
I like the 4-Year Florida University Plan.
I do too. It’s what my children are fortunate enough to have, thanks my parents.
I love the 4 yr old Florida college plan:) thanks for the chance!
I do too, Julie, and you’re welcome!
I like the 2-Year Florida
College Plan
It’s a great choice! I love how there are many different options for various needs and budgets. Thanks for stopping by!
The 4-Year Florida University Plan maybe?
It’s a good one! 🙂
1-Year Florida
University Plan
That’s a super option!
My oldest is heading off to college in New York in the fall. We live in Pennsylvania though so this wouldn’t have helped us. They sound like a great option for Florida families.
Good luck to your freshman-to-be! That’s exciting! 🙂
I like the 4-Year Florida University Plan.
Me too. Thx for your comment! 🙂
I thinkt he 4 year University Plan is the best. Mom did it for me, and I am SO grateful! I am a Gator grad, so maybe my kid will, too:) If not, there’s other options you can do with it, which I like.
Yay Mom! 🙂
I think the Florida 529 Savings Plan would be good for us.
So much flexibility with that one!
I’m leaning toward the 4-Year Florida University Plan myself!
SO much peace of mind having 4 years taken care of!
I think 2 + 2 Florida Plan be is good 😀
I agree. Thanks for commenting.
529 Savings Plan
Great one! Thx for your comment!
The Florida 529 Savings Plan sounds good if I really was there 🙂
Yep It’s a good one (and I think every state has a 529 option but I would have to double check!). Full disclosure: we started 529s for both of our children but ended up stopping our investments to them when my husband was unemployed for several years. In retrospect (as I have needed to shell out for books and other expenses), I have wished I had maintained the discipline to keep them up!
I like the 4 year Florida plan!
Me too. It’s what my kids have, thanks to their generous and forward-thinking grandparents.
I like the four year plan
Thx for your comment!
the 4-Year Florida College Plan sounds good.
It does!
I think that the 4-Year Florida
University Plan would be the best fit for my family.
Awesome – good luck to you in the giveaway!
I think the 4 year Florida College plan would be a good choice.
I do too! Thx for popping in!
4-Year Florida College Plan
Thx for stopping by, Ron!
I would like the 2 Year Florida Plan.
I like the Florida 529 plan, thanks! I think Virginia offers similar, that’s where I live currently