Today, I have chosen to do Mama Kat prompt number three: Show us what Spring looks like in your neck of the woods!
If the week of spring we have had so far had a theme, it would be, “Don’t put your heavy jacket away yet. Wait! Get out your umbrella! Oh heck you’ll be hot in all those clothes today. Where are your gloves again?” In other words, we’ve been all over the place here in Tallahassee, FL. A few samples:
It was technically not spring yet when I took this picture (it was 3/19) but the azaleas did not get that memo:
Next up, a gorgeous cloud/sun arrangement:
A chilly morning run on 3/21/13 after spring was “official” (this fleece headband gets a LOT of wear considering it’s “spring” in Florida):
Finally a day for short sleeves and shorts! And spring showers (3/23/13):
But yesterday found me digging out the fleece headband and the gloves again for mid-30s temps:
And this morning we bundled up for boot camp at our Capitol Building (this is our fearless leader Shannon and me giving the Barre Bar a moment in the spotlight a/k/a “barrespotting”):
And to close things out, this morning’s sunrise encouraged me to hang in there; it may be frigid still but Mother Nature knows we need an optimistic sign of hope:
Leave me a comment. I’ll take my gloves off, defrost my fingers, and reply!

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
In Cleveland, we are still waiting for warmer temperatures. It’s been in the low 30s all week until yesterday it got up to 41! Woo hoo!
Count on the azaleas to tell us relief is on the way!
Same kind of weather in Savannah…azaleas blooming in the parks, but don’t forget your gloves and jackets!