For the past three years, one of my goals has been to complete a 5K run (3.1 miles) in less than 30 minutes. I have written about that over and over.
Therefore, it may come as a surprise to you that this post is all about running 13.1 miles, and I don’t have my heart set on a specific finish time.
I will be running the 2012 Allstate Life Insurance℠ Boston 13.1 Marathon® on Sunday, September 16, 2012, as part of the Autism Speaks team. When I told my husband that I wanted to do this, he asked, “why run 13.1 miles in Boston when you could do it here in Tallahassee?” It has to be Boston, it has to be September 16, 2012, and it has to be with Autism Speaks because someone I have never met asked me to.
Perhaps these statements …. running 13.1 miles in “whatever time I can do” when my main goal is 3.1 miles in 29:59 or less; traveling to Boston to run because someone I have never met and never verbally spoken to asked me to; running as part of the Autism Speaks team when my child does not have autism …. don’t make much sense.
Here are some of the reasons I said, “this has to happen” when I read Luau’s blog on February 14:
1) Beyond the fact that I had seen some made for tv movies about children with autism and done a little reading, my life had not been directly touched by autism until the day my almost-one-year-old failed most of the indicators for “typical development” on an assessment given by the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities. No eye contact, no words, no pointing, nothing. Even though Wayne was not diagnosed with any condition on the autism spectrum, I have felt one teeny tiny scintilla of what I hear from my friends and acquaintances who have children with autism. That scintilla is wedged deep within my psyche and even though I have no right to say “I can relate,” …….. I can’t walk away.
2) I have worked for Florida’s State Child Health Insurance Program for 17 years. Our program does not cover autism. Even though I know it’s “just my job” to explain this to families whose child needs far more than the “24 therapy visits in a 60 day period when significant improvement is expected to result,” that are covered, it still breaks my heart to be on the other end of the phone line when they say, “But how will he/she get the intensive, year-round therapy he/she needs?”
3) Because several times a week, I read Diary of a Mom, and am given the gift of Jess’s wisdom, raw candor, and selflessness in sharing her journey (and Luau’s) journey through parenting a “neurotypical” child and a child on the autism spectrum. The only way I know how to pay her back is to try to do something to help her child and other children and adults with autism.
Therefore, I signed on to the Autism Speaks Team knowing that my end of the deal is to raise $500 for Autism Speaks. The good news is I have raised $130.
More good news is that if I accumulate the most or second-to-most comments of everyone participating in this promotion that is hosted by Amanda at Parenting by Dummies, Paula Foster from Moments in Frames will donate a dollar per comment up to $250. Just for your comments!! (This lasts through May 6.)
(ps – if you just want to donate, of course that’s fine too! Click here to be taken to my personal donation link.) [link no longer active – pk]

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Paula thank you for all that you do, Your advocacy for so many causes is enduring and inspiring. Have a great run and bless your ample heart
David Wiley, Tallahassee , FL
Go Paula! We will be cheering for you from Tally! 🙂
This. Just this. YOU are amazing and have a gift for the written word and a heart of gold. God Bless You, Paula!
Wish I was running with you – good luck, Paula.
Good luck, Paula
Paula: Knowing your Mon TRX, Tues at FSU track, Wed bootcamp at Doak and on and on and on, you are ready and a winner already. Enjoy!
I love your heart and how you reveal it each week through your blog. Good luck to you, Paula. I'm so proud of you.
Paula this is a great cause you are running for.
Paula you are so giving! I love all that you do for the community and support of others! Thank you
Good for you!!! I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor 🙂
Run, Paula, Run! Thanks for being an inspiration and supporting families who are living with autism.
Go, Paula, Go! Thank you for all you do for such a great cause!
I'm super excited to be witness to your training and achievement of your first half marathon! And for a great cause! Good luck, see you out on the road 🙂
Love this! Thank you!
Very cool! I love me some Jess and Luau too! I can't wait to hear how your run goes!
Awesome! I'll be walking with Jess…hope to meet you!
Oh Paula, I am so touched by this and am honored that you would make this trip in part based on a request from a guy you've never met. I look forward to breaking bread with you on the 15th and sharing the course with you on the 16th.
this is all kinds of awesome! you go girl!
Jess and Luau's inspiration is catchy, huh?? Good luck!
Paula, you are a hero. Thanks for running for our kids!
Thank you for joining the team. I believe Matt has single handedly recruited all of the 13.1 team members so far. I look forward to meeting you and celebrating your 13.1 victory on race weekend. – Lara
Paula, you are an inspiration!!
Good on you! Thank you for taking on the challenge. 13.1 is a great goal.
What a wonderful thing to do!
Enjoy the run and the day!
Allies really ARE everywhere!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thank you. Enjoy the run and know that we are very grateful.
Thanks from a Mom of a 7 year old daughter with Autism.
Have a great run, Paula! An excellent cause and sure to be a rewarding event on many levels.
From a mom of a FL kid with autism, who is in the Healthy Kids program, thank you so much for doing this! You are awesome, Paula!
Imagine if more people took action like you are doing! Thanks so much, from a Mom of an 8 year old daughter with autism and a 5 year old “neurotypical” son in TX!
Beautiful post. Beautiful you and looking forward to meeting you in September!
This is a wonderful thing you're doing! I would love to be in good enough shape to run for the cause someday! Till then on behalf of my 7 year old daughter I thank you! 🙂
We are kindred spirits. I too am running the 13.1 in September in Boston because someone I never met asked me to and despite the fact that I live in Tennessee.
Boston was and always will be my home and I can think of no better way to celebrate kids like Brooke and my Shea (a 7-year old on the spectrum) than to run 13.1 miles with people I've never met, but nonetheless adore.
I admire you for doing this Paula. You have such a caring spirit.
Dee Kring
Thank you! – from a mom of a son with aspergers
On behalf of my two boys I thank you. I caught the luau/Jess fever too 🙂
awesome! you do so much for people, and i love your blog! i hope you are one of the two winners! 🙂
Thank you, from a mom of an ASD son… and good luck!
I am always impressed with runners. And even more so because you are running for a cause. Good luck! Happy running!
Go! Go! Go!
Thanks for doing this.
Best of luck!
Have a great time!!
Go Paula! You are an inspiration! We'll be rooting you on from Tally!
You are truly inspirational. I wish you the best of luck in running this race and in all of your efforts to support this cause!!!
Good Luck!
You're going to do AWESOME!!
There a bunch of us New England Daily Milers who will be there participating as well. many of us have autistic children of our own. We look forward to seeing ya' there. Great post!
good luck rock it!
Way to go Paula, way to go! (clap clap)
Thank you. You are a shining example of what raising autism awareness is all about.
Paula – just a tremendous thing to do – I will be looking forward to following your journey both here and on Daily Mile training for your half marathon in September.
Anything you need, please ask (I'll be happy to support your cause with a gift as well).
Best to you Paula! You are what it is all about.
Your work for Autism is commendable! Keep up the good work and have a great half!
Best of luck Paula. You will meet some great DMers that day. Great job for a great cause.
Best of luck with everything!
You are an inspiration for doing what you can where you can!
Thank you! I too love Jess's blog and dabble in running…have wanted to do a half or (gasp) full for the Autism Speaks Team. Good luck to you!
Kim from healthystrides sent me. Good luck to you.
Good luck Paula, will enjoy watching you prepare for this. I know about Luau's struggles with autism and pay close attention, as I have an autistic son myself.
You are a hero in the lives of children!
What a wonderful cause, Paula!
I started running in Jan 2012 and i can relate to your pace goal. I just signed up for a half mary as well. I admire your advocacy and warm heart. God bless!
THank you for doing this for our children!! I read Luau's and Jess's blogs as well. Go Paula Go!
I too am going to participate in this 13.1 mile marathon for Autism Speaks because of Luau's invitation (mostly because he said I could walk if I need to!) I am not a runner but I look forward to this event – I have 2 sons with autism and will think of them with every stride. I hope to meet you there!
Run with Heart!
Good luck, Paula!
Good luck!
Go Paula! See you at the race – I'm on the Autism Speaks team as well, raising money in honor of my little boy!
WTG Paula! You are such an inspiration.
Very inspirational! Wishing you all the best!
What an awesome goal! You will love the 13.1 challenge! 🙂
God Bless!
You are relentless! I am sure you are going to rock this race.
This comment has been removed by the author.
It's nice to know that there are people out there putting their hearts on the line for our kiddos. As a teacher of special education, it's refreshing to hear we've got support; we'll take it from wherever we can!
Paula, this is such an awesome blog – and decision! You know the Badass Army will be cheering you on from afar!
i am simply overwhelmed with gratitude, can't wait to meet you!
As a mom of a little boy,4 yrs old,with Autism,i thank you with a heavy,happy heart! You cant begin to understand how it makes me feel to see someone who doesnt have a family member with Autism care and respond so deeply.God bless you in your race,every step you take is a step forward for families like mine.
Go Paula!
Thank you
<3 good luck
sending nothing but LOVE and support your way!
Good luck Paula! We will be cheering for you from Arizona!
Fantastic goal for a great cause 🙂
Thank you. Not only for the four that I have on the spectrum, but for all children on the spectrum.
As captain of Team Isabella, I thank you!
Thank youfor thinking about all of our kids! I wish you luck on your run!
A very big thank you Paula – for my little girl on the spectrum and for all of our kids. Good luck!
Awesome….such a great story and good luck!
Thank you from another parent with a child with autism !
Thank you for running for our Sam!!!
I'll be cheering for you from Atlanta. From a parent of a 6YO girl with Aspergers.
On behalf of my son, thank you! Good luck with your race!
We appreciate everything you do….
Thank you from this mom of a 7 year old son with Aspergers. Best of luck!!
This is spectacular! Jess said reading this would be worth it, she was right. The fact that your life has not been directly affected by autism just makes this more bad ass. Got goosebumps reading your words. It's so encouraging to hear about people like you, those willing to take action and actually do something. The idea that you have taken up a cause when you have no personal stake in it is humbling, inspiring and heroic. Seriously. Big thanks from my entire family!!!
Good luck on the run!!!
We need more people like you who may not live it every day, but “get it” nonetheless. Thank you.
You are awesome to do this!!
Thank you so much – you truly are running for every ASD kid out there. My 3 year old daughter is one of them. Much love and gratitude from our family.
I can't tell you how much it means to have a parent who hasn't been directly impacted by autism make such an effort to help kids like my own. I don't think I can really explain how significant this is to me. Your willingness to stand up for a cause like this is so heartwarming! Thank you for doing this!
The world needs more people like you!! Thank you!
Go Paula. You rock!!
Paula – you're incredibly inspiring in crusading and dedicating your training & your race to a cause that has touched you – maybe not deep and close (like a dagger), but at least scratches periodically. Best of luck in your training to get to Boston in September!
Good luck! I love that you responded to Luau's challenge. I've responded to Jess's request, and commented here. 🙂 They both rock. Hope you rock your run!!
thank you, and rock the run!! -Marylou
Inspiring. Good work Paula
Thank you so much Paula. You are one special lady!
Jess' Mom
THANK YOU and best of luck!!!!!
Paula, I don't know you but came via Jess. I DO know Jess and her beautiful family. Now? I LOVE YOU for what you are doing. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for doing this for all of our children.
Thank you Paula and Paula!!!
For my girl and all the beautiful kids like her, thank you.
Thank you for what you are doing! I have two personal friends with autistic sons and I know what they go through on a daily basis. My own nephew, while on the spectrum, was never “labeled”as he fit too many categories. Luckily his case is mild comparatively speaking. You can be sure to also fnd a donation from me soon. You are awesome!
You'll do great and you will get it done, Paula! Thank you for doing this!
Thanks for all of your support!
Grandpa DD
Thank you Paula! I read Jess' blog as an autism mom, and Luau's blog as a runner (very amateur). You are inspiring on both fronts. Good luck and have tons of fun!
What an awesome and big heart you have! I bet that training for a half marathon will also help you with that 29:59 5K goal. Best of luck.
Wow. Just Wow! Thank you so much! You are amazing 🙂
Thanks & God Bless!
Thanks, Paula for your kindness and generosity to the kids and families on the spectrum. Am trying to work my schedule so I can be at the run in September as well. Hopefully I will see you there.
Go Paula, you are amazing!
Hi from Italy
Best of luck Paula!! You'll do great!!
Hey Paula!
You are just so awesome! You were the one who introduced me to Jess' blog and now I'm glued to it. I just participated in our local Autism Walk & Expo last weekend but it's nothing compared to what you are doing. Good luck!
Thank you Paula! Our kids thank you!
Get out there and rip it up, cupcake.
Very inspirational. Good luck!
Go Paula!!!!!
You rock, Paula, may it be a wonderful race!
Hey Paula this sounds awesome! The only real contact I've had with autism is through a movie I made about a year ago. One of the main characters was autistic so I had to do a lot of research. Since then, I've been more aware of causes like this, and I wish you all the best!
Excellent! Watch your training regimen (don't overtrain and injure yourself)and you'll do fine. Love the perseverance! Go Paula!
If they accepted PayPal I'd have just made a donation. You're a good'un ma'am.
Paula, I am so looking forward to running this 1/2 marathon with you! You have inspired me to run in honor of some very special young folks with autism whose have come into my life. I feel blessed that our paths have crossed — I know I am the better for it!
A fabulous cause!! Good luck!
What a great cause! Good luck Paula!
What a great cause! Go for it Paula! Don't forget to plank for good luck before the race! #plankaday
Good Luck accomplishing your goal! Just keep pushing one step & one day at a time! 😉 Teri C
Wishing you the very best of luck in the marathon and applauding your efforts on behalf of such a worthwhile cause.
Great job, Paula … on the blogpost and the fundraising. I hope you reach your comment goal. In the original draft of “Harvest of the Heart,” Elsa, the main character, was mildly autistic. That element was dropped at the suggestion of my editor, but after all the research I did, I still feel an affinity for autistic children and autism research.
I hope you have a great Half Marathon!! I did my first last year at age 64 with only about a year and a half of running experience. Your goal should be to train without injury, and to finish the half! Enjoy the run! A reasonable time goal (secondary to finishing) might be 2:30. If you can do a 5k in 30, 2:30 for the half is doable.
I have to say. As the mom to two kids on the spectrum, I am extremely ambivalent about autism speaks. They do a LOT of good, but tend to focus on the negative almost exclusively, which is frustrating for those of us hoping to present a more balanced picture. Note, however, that I'm commenting. Because in the end, they do a LOT of good.
It doesn't matter in what time you run it. It doesn't even matter if you finish the run or not. All it matters that you are going to start. I applaud you!
best of luck from Tally…cheers
Sending you positive running energy, you can do it!
Admire you for doing this – so much!
This is awesome and inspiring!!!
Once again you demonstrate why I call you Wonder Woman. Best of luck with this difficult but important task.
Good luck Paula! Thank you from yet another parent of a child on the spectrum.
Good luck! You'll do great!
Have a great run! Thanks for doing this from another mom of a child with Asperger's.
Good luck in your run and thank you for supporting such an important cause!
Good luck!!! What you're doing is really wonderful!
Thanks for doing this in honor all everyone affected by Autism. Best of luck with your run!
Go Paula! Looking forward to seeing you at lots of the local races while training! Have a great run
Good luck in Boston
Good luck on your run! Thank you so much for doing this and for all of the causes you pour your heart into!
Best of luck Paula- I found your post via twitter and 1) having grown up in Tally and 2) having worked with children with autism please know I'll be cheering for you and the awareness you're creating.
Have a great run! And I think it is great what you are doing for such a worthy cause. Keep up the good work!
Paula, you go girl!!!! I've had the same 30 minute goal (I've only kept that to myself until this moment) so if you have a breakthrough, let me know. Good luck and keep on being an inspiration to us all.
Hang in there! Hopefully it will work out for you! Keep moving forward!!
Teri C
I thank you for doing this. We have a nephew who has autism and he has never ceased to amaze us in his 19 years. Go Paula!
What an awesome cause! I'm so glad that you're using your voice for good. Good luck on your run!
You rock. Thank you for doing this. You are an amazing woman!
finally found. mention on facebook to scroll to bottom to comment on blog. thanks for doing this. Jan
Nothing could tear at you like feeling powerless to heal a hurt to your child. Thank you for your devotion this and so many other good causes.
This brought tears to my eyes…Paula I think you are an amazing woman.I get it has to be Boston and it has to be this race. I was the smae way for my first half. I will keep you in my prayers and I know you can do this…”DON” FALL AND FINISH”
You are an inspiration to us all! Good Luck!
Great work, Paula. Appreciate all you're doing for the organization.
Thank you for doing this – there are so many affected by ASD, and the numbers are growing. We need to stop the epidemic.
You are such an inspiration and soooo awesome!! #plankwars
Paula thank you so much for what your doing … what a wonderful, touching thing to do.. we would be so better off if there were more people in this world like you~!!!
Good luck, Paula! Great effort for a great cause.
Awesome, Paula! You are such an inspiration. Best of luck!
I think it is wonderful of you to do this, I am pushing “memory miles events” for Military families and we are attempting a fund raiser here for a two year old's medical bills (kidney cancer). Other friends are raising funds for charities also. I hope you meet your goal and more. Prayers are being sent – God bless!
good luck! may your feet be healthy and your legs run strong!
Good luck, Paula … I admire your strength and discipline, and your advocacy is inspiring. Wishing you the best!
Heard about your aspirations from Amy Z and wanted to say — you rock!
Good luck Paula!! I'm so excited for you, thank you for doing this!
You are an inspiration! I can't wait to hear how this all goes down. Bravo!!!!
Thanks so much for your commitment to autism Paula! It has always been something near and dear to my heart as I know several children on the spectrum and there are never enough affordable services for them as you say!
What a generous and kind thing to do! Wishing you a safe run- thanks for supporting those of us who deal with autism daily.
what a great idea. Best wishes in your run
What a GREAT thing to do…good luck to you!
~~Friend of Amy's… 🙂
This is inspiring! As an aspiring teacher of students with disabilities, it is always amazing to see individuals showing great support & bringing disabilities to light. Thank you for running & good luck!
I wish you the best of luck.
My teaching partner has twins with autism. She routinely inspires me with how she celebrates the small things and smiles through the challenges. Thank you for helping families like hers!
Your efforts are helping so many people. You go, girl!
Wonderful and amazing! Good luck for you! I think you should be oriented on about 2:30-2:35.
Beautiful woman with a beautiful heart 🙂 I have two little ones with an autism diagnosis. People like you make strides for their future every day. Thank you!
I know a family with an autistic child. My experience with autism is limited to a few brief home visits, stories from the child's older brother, and a quick run to the hospital to assist the mom when the dad was overseas.
Good luck and best wishes for bringing attention and assistance to a condition that the lives of so many. — a childhood friend
Go, Paula, Go!
Paula, you are one of the most special ladies I've ever met. I am so proud of you and excited for you. You are going to meet and exceed all of your goals! You're truly a gift, to me, to GWTC and now to the Autism community for grabbing a hold and not letting go, bringing funds and awareness to Autism research. Love you!
You will do great, Paula! And if you need a partner for a long run I am happy to join you as long as it isn't at 10 p.m. I have a friend with not one but TWO autistic children.
Beth Alexander
If everyone would do half as much as you do to help others, the world would be a much better place.It is good hearted people like you that make me proud to be a part of Gulfwinds Track Club.I know you will be ready for 13.1 in Boston.I wish I could do more to help.Have fun at the race!
You can do it Paula, I did my first 1/2 in Feb. & I'm no runner! Your Sunday yoga buddy, Angela!
Good Luck!! You are truly an inspiration!
Paula, I'm in awe of your energy and enthusiasm! What a great cause. Good luck and have fun!!
As a mother of a child on the spectrum I want to say thank-you and god luck!
You are such an I spiration to so many. Thank you for showing anyone who is determined can make a difference. Have a great race!
Go Paula,go! Good luck and wish you the best!
Go, girl go! Blessings!
Good luck, Paula!
Such a great cause. I used to work at a residential treatment facility for children with mental health issues, and dealt with children with disorders on the autism spectrum on a daily basis. God bless those children, their families, and others who love and work with them! Go Paula!
Your willingness – scratch that, your enthusiasm – to support people is really astounding, Paula. You champion anyone who needs help, whether it be college students making movies for fun or parents trying to raise happy and healthy kids. You're the best. Thank you so much and good luck on your run!
-Simone Lapidus
Go Paula!!
Don't be afraid to be amazing! Paula's not.
This is pretty awesome. The world needs more people like you. Good luck and have fun in Boston!!!
Good luck to you as you reach your goals, Paula! 🙂
More people need to learn what Autism is all about. This is a great cause. I'm with ya in spirit. I'll leave the running to you.:)
Thanks for getting the word out and putting actions to your words. God bless you!
I'm so happy for you and the good work you are doing. Good luck!
Go Paula go!!! That's so awesome!!!
Paula, this is an amazing charity that you are running on behalf! I am really proud of you. Great work!
Thanks, Paula!
There isn't anything I can say that hasn't already been said, Paula. Just know that while you are running 13.1, I'll be with you in spirit, pushing & encouraging you all the way to the finish line. You are an amazing lady!
One foot in front of the other. Good luck! LB 🙂
So proud of you and your advocacy for children with Autism. Boston is lovely in September. We will cheer you on from Tallahassee! Happy Training!
Wow, I had no idea! Keep up the good work.
Good luck Paula. Have fun and stay healthy.
Paula, you are an amazing inspiration. I have NO idea how you manage to do everything you do!
Simply amazing! Good luck!
Great effort for a great cause! Best of luck to you Paula – you can do it!
Nancy Kaiser Winter Park, FL
What a wonderful thing to do. Go Paula! You will be the winner of this race, regardless of your time!
Joe Winter Park, FL
Go Paula!
Paula you are inspiring and a wonderful example to do this run and other projects you work on for the betterment of others — always a great way to lead! Run on and on and on – enjoy! ~ XO Christine
Good luck and God Bless.
even if you move slow, you're lapping everyone on the sidelines
Thanks for what you are doing to help others!
TRAILBLAZERS LOVE PAULA!! We are so proud of you! Go represent Tallahassee proudly! you're an incredible woman for stepping up to this challenge!
You are awesome!
Go Paula! And after running, we shall go dancing all night!! 😉 You have a great heart (and legs), thank you for raising awareness and money for this!
Run Paula Run!
You go girl. Run Paula Run!
Run Paula Run
Run Paula Run! good luck
Woo Hooooo. You go girl!
good luck, how's it going
You've got my vote Paula. Good luck!
What a wonderful goal and cause! Go Paula Go!
Good luck Paula – you'll do great!!!
What a wonderful cause. You go girl!
I love ur blog. U have so,much insight. My mom worked with autism children in middle school for years in jax. She loved them and they loved her. Then,my niece got to help autistic children for abt a year and was hired to help after school with one child. But then they decided only those with degrees could work there. Could not believe it! She and the children loved each other so much.
Great job Paula! I hope you enjoy the training for this as much as the fund raising! Have a great time
Good Luck!!
This is incredible!! What an awesome idea for fund-raising! This is cool.
I will pass this post along to my friends!!
This is awesome! You go, girl!
It is a great cause what you are supporting…you should be so proud of yourself!!! Not too many people have the same passion that you do…I wish you the best of luck!!!
You are my inspiration in so many ways!!!!
Wow. You are inspirational. Best of luck to you!
YOU rock – what a wonderful thing and I am going to share this! GOOD LUCK!
Great cause. Keep rocking!
you are amazing!! I am happy to call you my friend. Your dedication is amazing….Cant wait to hear about your 13.1 mile journey!!
go Paula go!!! so proud of you!!!!! 13.1 here you come!!!
Continue inspiring Paula and running through life's marathons.
All the best,
Mark Castaldo/Destiny Pictures
had to check, made comment on the 4th. best of luck. will post again after church.
Best of luck
Paula this is awesome!! You go girl!!!
What a great cause!! Wishing you the best of luck! Kristin Rising
Good Luck and God Bless you!
Paula, thank you for taking up this cause. need everyone who ever posted to finish in a BIG way.
Paula – I have been wanting to comment on this post for some time. You are such an inspiration in what you do and in the way you dedicate yourself in the service of others. So proud of you! And feeling very blessed that our lives crossed at literary mama!
Amazing! Someone told me about the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day: I can walk 60 miles; I can sleep in a tent; I can even raise $2,500… it's doing all three at the same time that's overwhelming.
You have your own trifecta of amazing!
Every now and then I check in for a booster shot of inspiration! Thanks, Paula! 🙂
What a great goal 🙂 Good luck Paula!!! HUGS!!!
An inspiring task, Paula. It is the big final day for comments and I hope you will be successful in reaching your goal.
To my friend, and fellow runner…. run long and taper my friend. Keep running, inspiring, and reminding all of us runners that we can make each mile count for reasons far beyond our own health. Love to you girl!
Woo hoo – I made it! I am SO proud of you for doing this, Paula – you're a winner either way, though, you know that, right?
Wonderful of you to do this. Good luck!
Good luck, Paula! I'm supporting you from Tucson, AZ.
Thanks for the opportunity to help with this, Paula. I love your posts.
Great article, Paula!
Good luck Paula. We have no doubt you can do this!
Good luck, Paula!!! -Carissa
Paula, this is great! My brother has 2 autistic stepsons and our whole family has been learning more about autism. Thank you!
Paula, I think you have 10 Whole Hearts! You do so much. Blessings to you as you run for this worthy cause!
Good luck!
You inspire many and are such a great friend.
go Paula! best of luck – you are doing a wonderful thing!
Good Luck!
Following from Mike Holcomb in Athens – good luck and thanks for all you do!!! – di hall
Thank you, Paula for such kind words on the Autism Speaks website regarding my blog. And, an even BIGGER thank you for adding Kyan to your list…words cannot begin to describe what that means to me! Thank you!!!
You’re so welcome, Mary!