A Kat Bouska prompt this week is: Update and republish a blog post you wrote during the month of May in a previous year. We are out of town for a small getaway (and for me to take in a couple of plays at the Orlando Fringe Festival), so I brought this blog post from May 2010 out of the mothballs and refreshed it for 2021.
Updates for 2021 are in RED.
When the going gets though, the though get going.
What was I doing putting a period in a title? I still can’t decide whether I want my titles to be sentence case (only an initial capital letter) or title case, but either way, periods are unnecessary.
Some people sing with the voices of angels. Some people run long distances quickly. Some people coach athletic teams to win, season after season. Me, I see typos. As several of my previous Wordless Wednesday posts attest, many letters are being written on objects that do not move while perfectly good letter-writing paper goes unused. Thank goodness Mrs. Bowen, my sixth grade teacher, gave us students the hint that “stationary” has an “a” in its last three letters to remind us of an “anchor,” something that remains still. “Stationery,” on the other hand, is used for writing letters.
Good lord. Do I see two spaces after every period in this post? That wouldn’t happen in 2021. I should have hyphenated “sixth-grade.” Otherwise, stationary and stationery still get mishandled by many writers, and Mrs. Bowen’s trick for keeping them straight is timeless.
As for this graphic, back in 2010, I didn’t really have any best practices for acquiring graphics. I probably grabbed this off of Google images or something.
Here’s a bona fide image for 2021 that I know I have the rights to use. Thanks, Unsplash.
My nickname at Healthy Kids has been “The Big Green Pen” for many years now. Because I use a green felt-tip pen when I edit letters, and because I am, to put it mildly, generous with the green ink, the nickname is permanent and has become my identity on Twitter (@biggreenpen) and among my proofreading/copyediting clients.
Still true, except for the present tense in Healthy Kids. I left HK in 2014.
There are a few of us at the office who enjoy language, and appreciate language used with precision and care. Therefore, when I see something egregious (like the recent “Flordia”), I send out a quick email with a “Big Green Pen Challenge.” When my coworker, Niki Pocock, participated in the most recent “Big Green Pen Challenge,” she included in her response a link to a blog by Bob Gabordi, Executive Editor of the Tallahassee Democrat, in which Bob discusses why answering his phone is always an adventure. As part of his blog, when he refers to a caller who questioned whether the Democrat still utilizes proofreaders, he wrote:
Neither of the links in this paragraph work anymore. I am, however, still in touch with Niki. Bob is no longer at the Tallahassee Democrat and now owns Gabordi Media. Last year, he wrote “The Truth: Real Stories and the Risk of Losing a Free Press in America.” You can buy it at Amazon, but I’m sure a local bookstore such as Midtown Reader would appreciate your business too.Losing those people huddled in the back proofreading pages was part of the price we paid for technology. These days, newspaper pages go straight from the newsroom’s computers to metal plates that go on the press. Fewer eyes are looking for typos and minor grammar flaws.
(Side note — this blog sure could have used some subheads.)
Between my initial reading (on Friday) of Bob’s blog and logging on to http://www.tallahassee.com/ this morning, two typos jumped off the page (first case) and screen (second case). It was time to e-mail Bob.
In my e-mail, I expressed my hope that there can be some happy medium between those non-existent “back of the room” proofreaders and “a journalistic organization resigning itself to an attitude of “we’ll catch what we can, but errors happen.”
I pointed out the on-line lead for the well-done “print exclusive” article about the fiscal difficulties faced by the LeMoyne Center for the Visual Arts. The text stated:
The recession has been particularly though on theLeMoyne Center for the Visual Arts, a Tallahasseenonprofit that’s been around for 47 years.
2021 Paula wouldn’t have hyphenated “on-line.”
I also pointed out that the header to a very informative article in yesterday’s Democrat, which described how to prepare for the sport of triathlon, was titled this way:
I’m not sure where I got this image either, but I think/hope it’s in the public domain and I’m leaving it!
NOTE: I also had no idea what Yoast was in 2010. I was still publishing in Blogger. I wasn’t creating meta descriptions and was basically such a blog newbie that I just wrote what I wrote and pressed publish. I’ve added all of that to this version.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
I am terrible at typos. I can’t see them unless I’m reading aloud. My brain just fills them in. Before I publish, I employ, not one, but two editors. (Of course, all of that changes if I read something I wrote months or even weeks or days before–then my typos stick out like cacti in a barren landscape. The sad thing is I seldom have time to go back weeks or days later. Sigh.)
Oh, the ‘me’ of ten years ago. How have I changed. Improved? Hopefully. Slid back? Likely.
It’s a truly constant battle, Diane. Especially once you have read your own work (or someone else’s) and it is no longer fresh in your mind, it’s a tough challenge.
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