At the beginning of every month, I share a post about my favorite SmartBrief stories from the prior month (here’s October’s, for example).
I do have favorite stories from November, but I’m changing things up today in honor of Giving Tuesday, which is December 3.
I feel so fortunate that my work at SmartBrief is with nonprofit sector newsletters (although everyone who knows me knows I get pretty attached to everything I do, including tolling and agriculture). Especially as Giving Tuesday rolls around, with its opportunity for so many great causes to discuss what they do and the difference a contribution can make, I decided for this month to share a way each of my partners is connecting on Giving Tuesday.

As stated on their website, BoardSource “supports, trains, and educates nonprofit leaders from across the country and throughout the world.” Donations to BoardSource ” support our research and leadership addressing issues of critical importance to the work of the social sector and the communities and people we seek to serve.”
How to donate: Click here.
Learn more via the BoardSource newsletter from SmartBrief: Subscribe here.
International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
ICMA’s website describes the organization as “the world’s leading association of professional city and county managers and other employees who serve local governments.” I had the pleasure of attending ICMA’s conference this year, so you can get my perspective here and here.
ICMA has a Future of Professional Management Fund that seeks to “advocate and promote the council-manager form and professional local government management.” Read the 2018 Giving Tuesday post about the fund here and donate here.
Learn more about the ICMA newsletter from SmartBrief: Subscribe here.
National Association of Social Workers
NASW, according to their website, “works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.”
Contributions to NASW are directed to the NASW Foundation, the NASW Legal Defense Fund and/or its Political Action for Candidate Election efforts. All three have links here.
Learn more about the NASW newsletter from SmartBrief: Subscribe here.
National Emergency Number Association (NENA)
The NENA website lists its role as being “the only professional organization solely focused on 9-1-1 policy, technology, operations, and education issues.”
NENA’s Gold Line Scholarship Fund seeks to help 9-1-1 professionals obtain training. Donate here.
Learn more about the Public Safety SmartBrief: Subscribe here.
Reserve Officers Association (ROA)
ROA describes itself on its website as “only exclusive advocate for the Reserve and National Guard – all ranks, all services”
There are multiple ways to contribute to ROA, including general contributions to its work, donations to its ROA STARs foundation, tribute benches and more. All are accessible by clicking here.

Learn more about the ROA newsletter from SmartBrief: Subscribe here.
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
Sigma Xi says on its website that its purpose is to “honor excellence in scientific investigation and encourage a sense of companionship and cooperation among researchers in all fields of science and engineering.”
Sigma Xi’s Giving Tuesday initiative is what got me started thinking about doing this post for all my partners. I really love it!
Sigma Xi is directing its Giving Tuesday donations to help provide free one-year subscriptions of its STEM magazine, American Scientist, to 1,300 high schools. Here’s the link to contribute.
Learn more about the Sigma Xi newsletter from SmartBrief: Subscribe here.

United Nations Foundation
The United Nations Foundation expresses its purpose via its website this way: “We work by building communities and incubating initiatives to support the UN and its priority issues, including achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
I am sure the UN Foundation will have plenty of Giving Tuesday options, but to take a moment of personal privilege, I will first list Shot at Life. Shot at Life is a grassroots advocacy program under the UN Foundation umbrella that helps children around the world have access to immunizations to protect them from polio, measles, pneumonia, rotavirus and other vaccine-preventable diseases. I’ve been involved with them for years. The World Health Organization notes several key improvements in getting children worldwide vaccinated, but says ” an estimated 19.4 million infants worldwide were not reached with routine immunization services such as 3 doses of DTP vaccine” in 2018.

Contribute to Shot at life by clicking here. Contribute to the UN Foundation in general by clicking here. Another incredibly meaningful option is giving in memory of the late Jennifer Schlecht, who worked for the UN Foundation, during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.
To learn more about the UN Foundation newsletter from SmartBrief: Subscribe here.
Food & Friends
Food & Friends is a cause that SmartBrief has supported for years (I’m not sure how many, but since I started there in 2017). For that reason, I want to give them a shout out because I have come to appreciate their work and I feel a personal investment.
The Food & Friends premise is “anyone can get sick and everyone can help.” Their services include home-delivered meals, groceries-to-go and nutrition counseling.
Contribute to the work of Food & Friends by clicking here.
It’s relevant to talk about Giving Tuesday and provide this boost to these eight great causes because there are programs such as the $7 million Facebook plans to match that are specific to the day. (I also urge you to read up on how quickly those matching funds go … a great case study of the challenges nonprofits face.)
And while we’re here …
I am staying with one of my monthly traditions, which is sharing our open positions.
I wrote in more detail about my experience as a SmartBrief employee here, which may help answer any questions you have. As always, I’m happy to answer questions and provide more information about the process.
Here are the advertised open positions at SmartBrief as of 12/1/19:
- Digital Sales Associate – NYC
- Digital Sales Associate – DC
- Partner Development Associate – DC
(There are other opportunities with our parent company, Future plc, that are not specific to SmartBrief and are located in multiple places. Find all openings here.)
If you are interested in applying, please list me as your referrer or email me so we can discuss further.
A Recap
To subscribe to one (or more) SmartBrief newsletters, including the “end of the work day” While You Were Working, for which I am a contributing editor, click here.
If you aren’t in a subscribing mood, you can still keep up with us at the site of our parent company, Future; on Facebook; SmartBrief Twitter; Leadership SmartBrief Twitter; LinkedIn and SmartBrief Instagram.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
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