Today’s prompt: WAY
My mom loved her acrylic nails. I think it was about 15 years ago that she started getting them done. After that, she was fastidious about getting them done regularly. As my dad tells the story, she would cut his hair, then he would pay her $15 (or whatever) and she would use that to get her nails done. Sounds like an arrangement that worked well for them.
Mom was not a flashy person at all, but having her nails in great shape was a way, I think, to feel just a little more polished (pun intended!). As a side note, she had a pet peeve about people who always looked completely put together (imagine her voice here) “except they had a quarter inch of slip showing out of a piece of hem” or “their hair was never quite in place” or …. some little thing that kept the image from being perfect (and I wonder where I get my pickiness about words from …. maybe it’s an offshoot of that).
The nails were a problematic barrier during her two months in the hospital. It was hard to get a good oxygen reading. I saw them use a pulse oximeter on her ear one time when they were having trouble getting a reading (that didn’t work out that great either…). Yet they stayed. I guess none of us could figure out how to go through the rigmarole of getting them off there in the hospital. I think we also all thought that her recovery was imminent and she would be able to take care of it.
For her funeral …
*** [end of five minutes]
… I tried to replicate exactly the color she had had over those months. Almost everyone who visited her in the hospital had complimented her on her nails. My dad kept saying, “they didn’t expect someone that old to have such great nails.”
Her hands were a mess after she passed away. I remember talking to Kaleb at the funeral home about them …. and I think the point was they were too bruised from all the procedures to look right, so they were concealed.
I vowed to always keep my nails done as long as I could afford it in tribute to her (and as a bit of self care).
The time has come, until we get this house sold and some other things fall into place, to hold off.
BUT there is another way. As my income situation keeps coming together, I am also picking up transcription work during spare moments. It may not pay for a professional manicure, but it’ll pay for a bottle of polish.
I’m pretty determined (so was my mom, about many things), so I’ve found a way (for now) to honor her my doing my nails without further breaking the bank. I think I know what I’ll be thinking about as they dry.
Welcome to this week’s Five Minute Friday. Our instructions, via creator Kate Motaung: “Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation.” (But I can’t resist spell checking, as you can imagine.)
Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
rememberingtocountmyblessings says
Thank you so much for sharing about your Mom and her beautiful nails. I also smiled at how you are continuing her tradition with your at home manicures. I hope you have a lovely weekend. – Liz
Paula Kiger says
Thanks, Liz. I did indeed think about her as they dried. That doesn’t happen at a salon (because shellacs dry immediately). Have a great weekend yourself!
Cindy says
Just love this Paula! For so many reasons! My dad left our family back in the early 60’s. My mom went from being stay at home to working mother over night. Money was tight for many years. She sacrificed a lot. It gives me great joy to see her salon manicured 81 year old nails today. She deserves to be pampered. Thank you for sharing this sweet story of your mom and enjoy this pretty nails! Blessing, Cindy
Paula Kiger says
Aw – how lovely that your mom is now treating herself. My mom was so selfless. I’m glad she enjoyed that small thing in the last decade+ of her life. Thanks for stopping by.
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser says
Reminds me of when I did Barbara’s nails. pain makes me a bit too shaky now, but I had fun!
If you imagine, say, Jackie Chan doing needlepoint, you get the general image.
Paula Kiger (@biggreenpen) says
That’s a hilarious and descriptive visual, Andrew! You often talk of the joy it brings you and has brought you to do things for Barb — it’s one of my favorite parts of your writing.
Tara says
I love that you get your nails done to honor and remember her.
Paula Kiger says
A perfect mix of self care and tribute, eh? 🙂