Today’s prompt: STUCK
I did something yesterday that hearkened to a different (but somehow similar) point in my life. Back when I lived in New York City, I had been working at my job (that I loved) for a few months, and my boss (who I also loved, mostly), wanted me to return to the Bronx (which I loved!) that night to participate in a Kiwanis meeting. I didn’t FULLY understand that it was not so much a request as a demand. He really liked us employees to be in Kiwanis.
But instead, I went to see the movie Pretty Woman. By myself.
I am sure all the introverts in the crowd can understand why I was able to recharge my batteries more by going to a movie by myself than going to a Kiwanis meeting (nothing against Kiwanis). I can almost still picture everything about that night — I’m pretty sure it was a theater on 86th Street.
I had a little damage control to do the next day (and as you can imagine it wasn’t long until I was a card-carrying Kiwanian (something I also grew to love).
That was sometime around late 1989/early 1990.
Here it is 2018 and I found myself staring at my email inbox, hoping for an email related to a job application I had submitted, an email/text from my realtor with an offer on our house that won’t result in us being underwater, or (best of both worlds) one of each. I was stuck in a cycle of waiting that no amount of wishing would change.
Therefore, I went to a movie (The Greatest Showman) by myself. I did offer my husband a half-hearted invitation, but truly I wanted to be alone (and he couldn’t join me so it worked out).
Nothing changed about my email inbox or text messages related to those two watched pots that hadn’t boiled, BUT it did my heart good to spend two hours immersed in someone else’s dream.
As they say in the movie, dreaming with your eyes wide open can be magical and powerful.
Let’s hope it can help me get unstuck, no matter the outcome of these two unresolved issues.
Welcome to this week’s Five Minute Friday. Our instructions, via creator Kate Motaung: “Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation.” (But I can’t resist spell checking, as you can imagine.)

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Such a great movie! The themes and storyline are incredibly powerful. And I can’t get enough of the soundtrack. And being an introvert, I totally understand needing some alone time. I’m in the 6 spot this week.
Yes! I totally thought of you during “The Other Side” and that happens to be what is playing here at my desk right this second!
I agree, I also just need some time alone sometimes and it can be so refreshing. I love The Greatest Showman too!
I was so inspired. I know we all have our own talents and I am not sorry for the particular set I was given, but I would *love* to be able to sing and dance and act like that!
I feel the same way about movies! Although I typically choose comedies, but there is something about stepping away from the wait and into someone else’s story.
Precisely! I rarely treat myself to that type of thing and am so glad I did.
Isn’t it so easy to get stuck in the waiting game??? I not only get stuck there but zi even start telling God what to do while I’m there! Goodness! I hope you hear soon and the answers are what you hope for! Cindy #fmf
Yes, Cindy – exactly. Thank you for your good wishes and prayers.
First two of my favorites! Second – yes! yes! to introvert re-charge!! love this
Isn’t it interesting how it takes completely different things to recharge different people? (case in point: my spouse who recharges by being around people)