Welcome to this week’s Five Minute Friday. Our instructions, via creator Kate Motaung: “Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation.” Today’s prompt: DEPEND
I spent about two hours today, in my in-laws’ old house. I have probably only been there 5-10 times in the three or so years since my father-in-law moved out.
The residents who have been there have been gracious about the fact that we basically left the house “as-is.” When I was cleaning last night, I came across CANDY that had been sitting in a desk for three years. Licorice, petrified chocolate (what a waste!).
Today, though, was different. The carpet cleaners had left the carpet pristine. Most of the furniture was gone.
It was just me and my memories. I actually made a little video talking to all the nieces and my nephews about my memories. I didn’t send it, though. I know I sound sad in the video, when I was actually more “reflective.”
It just seemed like a situation that warranted thoughts before the next tenant makes the place hers.
Will I share the video? I have limited time (sort of), because I framed it as “let’s walk down memory lane before Olivia’s wedding (my niece). And she gets married Saturday. I want Saturday to be ALL happy. No questions about whether I am being “reflective” or morose.
How will my relatives take this memory lane walk?
I guess it depends, but I won’t know if I don’t share it. I emphasized something in the video, though — which is how much we are so fortunate to have one another, good times and bad, and to have had my in-laws take such deeply intense care of us, especially my kids, who they took care of for the first two years of their lives until they went to day care.
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday linkup.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Paula, I may be wrong, but I suspect that the memory-lane walk was God sharing something with you.
And reflective may not seem cheerful, but it’s necessary.
Praying for you.
You are so right, Andrew. Even your comment brought tears to my eyes when I read it. Thank you for “getting” that. xo
I think it’s important to be reflective and remember the memories shared in that place. Those homes/places are part of our journeys here on earth. I’m in the 8 spot this week.
Yes – it really is – and maybe it is happening in this long drawn out way for a reason.
Paula I just made a memory video of my grandmothers house because we have to sell it. I put the video in my social media mainly for safe keeping and I was so surprised at the number of people who watched and commented on it. I didn’t want to forget the details of that home so it’s now where I am go watch it anytime and not worry about deleting it. Find a safe place for your video. It’s a precious memory!
Oh I love that!! It’s funny — I was having a hard time getting a connection — I originally planned to make it an IG live or FB live but it refused to connect, so I just made an old-fashioned video. Maybe it was supposed to be that way. I’m glad you made a memory video of your grandmother’s house — I am sure it will be a treasure over the years.