*This post contains an affiliate link. The opinion is all my own!*
“I’ve always wanted to blog but am not sure how to get started.”
“I’m going to blog someday when I figure out where to start.”
“People always tell me I should be blogging about [insert incredibly riveting experience/expertise/fashion sense here]”
If the above statements sound like something you would say, I am happy to recommend a great resource!
Author Kate Motaung has put a lot of devotion, sweat (and maybe a few tears — doesn’t the process of birthing something incredible always come at a bit of a price?) into an e-course that compiles all of the resources she recommends to online writers in one comprehensive resource.
The course is, as Kate reminds us, not a “how to” but a “what-to-do.” The specific recommendations she makes help the reader walk away with an action plan and increased confidence in their ability to join the online writing community (if they haven’t done so already).
One strength of the course is its ability to inform beginners and advanced writers alike. Each section provides “action steps” that the reader can cater to their level.
Here are a few highlights from each section to give you an idea of what to expect:
Begin with the Basics
You have to start somewhere, right? The basics section lays the foundation for setting up a website, beginning to interact on social media, and filling your online writer’s toolbox with the right resources.
Takeaways I especially liked: This section encouraged me, as a veteran blogger (really, has it BEEN EIGHT YEARS?), to do some needed maintenance and clean-up on my website and to lay the groundwork for having an email newsletter (I’m still resisting that, frankly, but Kate makes a compelling case).
Find and Build Community Online
As you can imagine, this was a favorite section of mine (I’m a fan of building community online). This section covers how to build your online influence by finding and creating community online.
Takeaways I especially liked: The main thing this section reminded me of is the power of Facebook groups. Beyond the fact that they are powerful, I realized I have become a bit scattered — I belong to so many groups — I may be better off to pay closer attention to the ones that matter most and jettison some that no longer are a fit for me.
Grow Your Knowledge
This part of the course is brimming with resources that will help online writers improve their writing. Kate recommends listening to podcasts, taking courses, and — my favorite, reading — as ways to become more effective writers.
Takeaways I especially liked: I would love to take one of the online writing courses or join one of the groups Kate recommends. It has been a while since I have had gotten deep feedback on my writing (note: this does not apply to my freelance position summarizing news stories — I get fantastic feedback there frequently — but my entire writing life is broader than two-sentence summaries so I need to put myself (and my writing) under someone’s editorial microscope again).
Engage With Others
This section helps writers have a plan for becoming a more active part of the writing community. Suggestions include writing support groups and includes in its recommendations the Five Minute Friday group (which is how I met Kate).
Takeaways I especially liked: Kate encourages us to submit to that publication we really don’t believe would ever accept us or to invite that blogger we have on a pedestal to share a guest post. This is important to me as I make a plan to work toward getting more paid writing opportunities. You have to ask to get (duh!).
My Amazon review and the reviews of others are available here.
I would also note that the course has its roots as a resource for Christian writers, but I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to any writer; the only thing you’ll get pressured into with this course is believing in yourself a little bit (or a bunch!) more.
The course is available through Tuesday, September 19, for $19.99! (Click here to buy.) After Tuesday, the price will go up to $29.99.
Again, here’s the link! I look forward to hearing reports of online writing successes!
Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
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