It’s year two of my taking the Grateful Challenge! (For last year’s post, click here.) Inspired by Spin Sucks, the goal is to set a timer for 10 minutes and try to list 99 things you’re grateful for.
This year’s installment:
- My parents
- A spouse who understands why it is so important to me that my spouse be my friend as well as my lover (Wayne)
- My daughter (Tenley)
- My son (Wayne Kevin)
- Our cat Alice Cooper
- Our cat Bella
- My father-in-law (also a Wayne!)
- The memory of my mother-in-law (Barb)
- A roof over my head
- A house with a great running route right outside
- Running
- Running friends
- Fitness
- My fitness friends
- My Fitfluential relationships
- Blogging
- My #ChevyPlayMiami experience
- Having my son with me in Miami Beach while I was doing #ChevyPlayMiami
- My NASA Social experience
- My Social Good Summit experience
- Being a Shot at Life Champion Leader
- Toastmasters
- That one special friend
- Lunch at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel with that one special friend while the crowds streamed in to see Pope Francis in Central Park
- My friend Mary Jane
- My friend Audrey
- My friends’ children
- Tenley’s oportunity to do the Disney College Program starting in January 2016
- Dairy Queen Blizzards
- Reading
- Audiobooks
- The perpetual influence of The Diary a Young Girl by Anne Frank
- Tallahassee
- New York City memories
- New York City memories to be made
- The play Wicked
- My son’s new (to him) car
- My son teaching me how to drive his new car
- A bus option in Florida that gets me from point A to point B affordably, with wi fi
- The Spin Sucks community
- My work with Weaving Influence
- The leaders I work with through the Lead Change Group, a division of Weaving Influence
- Chocolate
- A nice glass of wine at the end of each day
- My Coach, Kristie Cranford
- My KR Endurance team
- The child I run for via I Run for Michael, Gareth, and his family
- Friends who help with my father-in-law
- My sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law
- My nieces and nephews
- My goddaughters
- Being free to worship how I want to
- The Twitter community (except the jerks!)
- People who teach me about WordPress and help me climb other technical learning curves
- Patient people
- Smiles
- The beauty all around us
- Sunrises & Sunsets
- Learning about weather from people who are more than “forecasters”
- A great set of crepuscular rays in the sky
- My coworkers at Weaving Influence
- Being paid to do social media
- Scott Ginsberg (The Nametag Guy) who encouraged me to “make a date with the page”
- The potential of the Global Goals
- My role as a Florida Prepaid Blogger Believer
- Every opportunity I have had to get paid for blogging
- Other blogging opportunities which I did not get paid for or paid my own way for which which have paid off in other ways, most notably in the incredible people I’ve met
- The two people I have mentored in Toastmasters
- Being able to practice my Spanish
- The drivers/staff in Miami and Orlando who just start speaking Spanish to me and expect me to follow along
- My half brothers
- The trails in Tallahassee
- My electrophysiologist
- Being able to run still (so I guess thanks for beta blockers and that “running through mud feeling”!)
- That one friend who said “talks with you are my sanity”
- A sense of humor
- That my FIL’s cancer appears to have been obliterated
- Doing the zoo run in Tampa in August with my friend Diane
- Margaritas!
- The ability to read
- The ability to write
- The ability to speak
- The HAMP program
- Tenley’s employer, Chicken Salad Chick of Valdosta
- Everyone in Valdosta who has helped Tenley the last 1.5 years
- The teachers who give Wayne Kevin a chance
- The teachers who give Wayne Kevin more than worksheets
- The freedom of speech fo expres myself during the “Curious Incident” kerfuffle
- The ability to see Curious Incident on Broadway the month after the kerfuffle (which reinforced the fact that the kerfuffle was worth making a fuss about)
- Journalists here in Tally who have intelligent dialogues with readers
- TV journalists here in Tally who support me in giving voice to important issues like World Immunization Week
- My involvement with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
- My NYC Half Marathon in March 2015
- The Light the Night Walk last month
- Silvia, the first child we sponsored in Guatemala via Unbound
- Estela, the second child we sponsored in Guatemala via Unbound
- Stanley, the child we sponsor in El Salvador via Unbound
- Coming home tonight to find the bah humbug spouse had put the lights on the Christmas tree
- My Faith
Want to Join?
It’s never too late to spend ten minutes focusing on gratitude! Let me know if you do the challenge!
Photo Credit: Gratisography

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
What a great idea!!! I may borrow this idea for my own. But why only 99?
I hope you will! I’d love to see your results! And the 99 is an arbitrary choice. Overachievers (cough cough if you know one) are certainly welcome to do more. 🙂
I absolutely love this idea! I’m running a 31-day holiday self-care challenge on my blog and this idea is perfect for it. Do you mind if I use it – with proper credit of course?
Of course! Sharing the grateful spirit would be another thing to be thankful for! 🙂
Yeay! You got to 99! Great job. Wow you sure do have a lot of Wayne’s in your family. It’s a good name. 🙂 Living in Arizona, I can’t believe I left off sunrises and sunsets. They’re some of the best parts of the day. Great connecting with you, Paula!
Ha ha we do have a lot of Waynes! It makes things easy or hard depending on how you look at it. (They all have different middle names.) Great connecting with you as well!
I am most definitely in. Tomorrow morning. This will be my morning pages
Yay! Hope you share it! 🙂
love this idea! i will definitely have to do this!
Awesome! So basic but such an easy thing to neglect to do, being thankful & expressing it!
I like that when you purposefully list what you’re grateful for, you understand how little you might normally keep those things in mind. A good way to stay positive and as a daily journalist, I think I’ll challenge myself to list a few every morning before I write anything else.
That is SO TRUE, Susan! I also love how much I learn about others from their lists!
Esther Zimmer writes a blog on 1010ParkPlace. Recently she posted 100 words that made her happy, which is a variation of things we’re grateful for. I’ve written mine, but haven’t posted them yet. xoxox, Brenda
AHHH – I love that idea too! Look forward to reading yours!
Love it! Great thing to do with my family.
I agree! Enjoy!