I am keeping tonight’s post short. I have a limited amount of time in NYC and will save a proper thank you for everyone’s generous support of my United NYC Half Marathon effort on behalf of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for a future post. I also have a lot to say about the joy of meeting Gareth (the young man I run for through I Run for Michael) and will hold that too.
For now, a reminder to look up. When I lived in NYC, I walked everywhere I could. I would peek in the store windows, people-watch, and marvel at the variety of languages and personalities surrounding me. However, days would go by that I would forget all of the “stuff” above. The beautiful, large-scaled, make-your-mouth-fall-open with awe stuff.
We can use a reminder to “look up” figuratively as well as literally. To be precise, I can. I have been struggling with more tunnel vision than I have disclosed to many people. I am not sure what the way out is or how soon it will come, but I know one of the keys lies in “looking up.”
Thank you for the reminder, NYC.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Paula, what a great reminder for us all. I will miss you at Toastmasters this evening but am so excited for you in your current NYC adventure. Here’s to many memorable moments. And……Go Team SOAR!!
Thank you, Robin!
Looking up was something I used to love do when I worked in NYC. My hubby has Lymphoma and you motivated me to research more about this on the net. thanks much!
Hi Carolann. Thank you for your comment. Being in NYC (and looking up!) does my heart good, in every way. I will send many supportive thoughts to your husband (and you).
This a great reminder, especially for kids these days. It’s difficult but we all need to look up more because life will continue to go on with or without us.
So true! Thanks for the comment.