When Mama Kat proposed the following writing prompt a few weeks ago:
Write a 26-line poem using all the letters of the alphabet, where the first line starts with the letter “A,” the second “B,” the third “C,” etc., culminating with the final line starting with “Z.”
I knew I had to give it a go! We are at the starting line of my effort — see you at the finish!
At the 7.2 mile mark of my 7.46 mile race yesterday, I was sad that my heart was
Beating SO fast that I had to stop to
Collect data via my patient assistant, after which I
Decided to walk the last portion of the race
Except the
Finish line.
Grouped around the finish line were the volunteers and
Huddled clumps of finishers and supporters braving the cold to see the last runners
Ignite their muscles for their last victorious sprints.
Just after putting the patient assistant away, my mind
Kept grappling with the fact that I had not taken
Lots of pictures before the race like I usually do; no flat
Mama for my Moms Run This Town Facebook Page or Instagram,
Nothing. So many missed
Opportunities to share my excitement with friends and raise awareness for the
People for whom I am running the NYC Half Marathon on a date that is
Quickly approaching! Our
Stories, though, are much deeper than pictures can tell. Even so, imagine how
Tickled and
Utterly surprised I was when race photographer Fred Deckert pulled up in his
Vehicle as he was leaving and did a “drive-by” shooting
Which resulted in a picture from day
XXI in February 2015 that has a bit of a “drive by blur” effect
Yet allows me to share my
Zeal for making every finish line count!

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Now that’s talent!
Rena, he’s really a gem! He stands out in all kinds of weather and conditions to take these pictures of us! This was the first “drive by” though!
What a great idea for a post. You nailed it!
Thanks! Hooray for Roman Numerals! 🙂