Besides the great prizes*, why should you do a running scavenger hunt? The RunChat scavenger hunt, sponsored by Energy Bits, is a prompt to look a little differently (and more thoroughly) at the world around us as we run. That was certainly the case for me with the original hunt as well as the 2013 Holiday Hunt.
Here’s the list for this hunt (ends July 5, 2014). You earn one entry an image from each of the ten categories (must be tweeted with the hashtag #runchathunt):
Trail path (or evidence of running on a trail). Here’s mine:
Funny road/store/church sign. Mine isn’t that funny, I know, but it puts my mind on “beach mode” which makes me happy so we’ll go with it!
Dog (yours or someone else running with one). I encountered this guy when the hunt had first started:
Someone fishing. This is actually not the one I originally submitted to RunChat but I love this pic of my brother-in-law fishing so here it is!
Sunrise or sunset. Here’s mine!
Farm equipment. I’m sure a lot of people found farm equipment, but I wonder if anyone else got a farm equipment mailbox. Thank you, North Florida!
Road kill.
I think I may be on the RunChat “exclude” list after lobbying so hard for this one. But honestly, aren’t we runners candid with each other about every part of running, from bloody nipples to other issues that would normally be private? Thanks RunChat (and voters!) for including this. I’m done.
(In case you’re squeamish, I am not showing the image directly. If you have a tough constitution, here’s the link to the image.)
A great local dive bar. Another souvenir of our week at St. George Island:
Pay phone. Definitely the next-to-hardest thing to find! I finally located one:
Ah, the elusive gnome. I have a friend who owns a gnome so I may have to schedule a run on her side of town but I keep hoping to find one by chance. If you’re in Tallahassee and have any suggestions, send ’em my way!
I probably won’t be lucky enough to find one this entertaining but check it out:
You can also get an entry by submitting a Vine or Instagram video incorporating two of the #RunChatHunt items. I shot one yesterday but I’m not happy with it so tick tock I have to get on it!
Lastly, you can get an entry for a blog post (like this!).
The contest lasts through 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on July 5, 2014. That’s plenty of time to hunt down a pay phone, take in a sunrise, or track down some farm equipment. Might as well … you’ll be running anyhow, right?
*Prizes include an Energy Bits prize pack, Altra shoes, Hylands Leg Cramps Products, a HeadSweats gift card, a 4-pack of KT Tape, a pair of socks or sleeves from Pro Compression, and a Road ID gift card.
Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
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