When I saw this Hopi proverb on Twitter recently, it immediately evoked memories of the time I spent earlier this month in El Salvador on the Unbound Blogger Trip. Of mothers and fathers who, because of Unbound sponsorship, knew that their child could go to school. Of mothers who held one another accountable in “solidarity groups,” where women learned skills that would help them support their children. Of aging people such as blogger Ali Ebright’s sponsored individual, Josefa, who can now be assured of sufficient food, adequate shelter, and community support.
Christopher and Silvia both live in El Salvador, and need to be lifted up by the support of Unbound sponsorship.
Christopher has been waiting for Unbound sponsorship since June 2013. His mother and father both work very hard to provide for him, but their incomes are not consistent enough to ensure that he receives the benefits sponsorship can give, such as nutrition, health, clothing, and (when he is old enough) education.
Silvia is a 22 year old woman with special needs (she has had epilepsy since birth). She was sponsored for three years but her sponsor left the program. [Note: she has continued to receive her benefits through a contingency fund but she would thrive off of a relationship with a sponsor.] She lives in a 7-person home; this family subsists on $60.00 a month. She loves to play with toy cars. I would love to know she can get the most basic needs of food, health, and shelter met.
Sponsorship demonstrates Christ’s presence.
I recently read an article written by Rev. Kyle Smith, who is preparing to be a priest. He talked about how, when he elevates the chalice, “My thought and prayer … is … ‘Wow, who am I to be this close to Christ present in the Eucharist?'” He goes on to look forward to his priesthood, and “how more powerful an experience it will be to say the words that call down the Holy Spirit and make Christ present.” In my experience as a sponsor, and in every interaction I had during the Unbound Blogger trip, Christ was made present in tangible, daily ways even though we were not in a formal place of worship.
Christopher and Silvia are like the Hopi’s pebble … it is going to take more than one “finger” to lift them. They need their families; they need (and have) a God who loves them. Ultimately, they need someone to help lift them through the support of sponsorship.
For more information on sponsoring Christopher or Silvia (a $30 a month commitment), please visit this link. If you are not prepared to sponsor right now, please know that your prayers are powerful, as is your willingness to share information about the work of Unbound among people you know.
***UPDATE*** Silvia has been sponsored (as of 7/2/14). I am so happy to hear this and grateful to whoever sponsored her! If you are interested in sponsoring someone else, please follow this link. ***
It is not just Christopher or Silvia who will be lifted by Unbound sponsorship. Whoever sponsors them will also discover their heart soaring to new heights.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
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