There’s only one thing that I am more reluctant to share on YouTube than my running form, and that is my “singing.” But a challenge was issued so I am attempting to rise to it.
It started back when I read and commented on this post by Gini Dietrich about her Follow Friday philosophy. (Follow Friday or #FF is a Twitter tradition that indicates the person you #FF is worth following. Surely created by someone who loves alliteration.)
I found her post interesting because my approach is pretty different — I have a list of roughly 50 people who I #FF on Fridays. They are a combination of individuals, products, and causes I care about. I still do my 50, but Gini’s post did make me think about the ones I tweet out there without context. I have redoubled my efforts to explain why they get an #FF from me.
When Gini was away from her blog for a few weeks, she had fill-ins for various editions of her regular blogs.
Fill-ins such as Chuck Kent of Creative on Call, who created this little masterpiece:
And I complimented Chuck on this masterpiece (which I really do think rocks!) although I couldn’t help pointing out that it would have been sheer perfection had it included a certain writing instrument with which I share my twitter handle. He responded back that it was a challenge to find something that rhymes with Big Green Pen. No fear, Chuck, I’ve got you covered. It was easier to send Gini the bribe I sent her than to come up with 47 seconds of Twinkle Twinkle “What Rhymes With Pen.” Honestly……

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Paula, did you do this on purpose? I cannot see your video? Please please fix it so I can hear your pretty voice and your song.
I can’t see it either!
Ann & Gini – thank you for letting me know! I sent you the link but here it is for anyone who just doesn’t want to miss my (not so) dulcet tones: