This week, Mama Kat prompt #4 instructed us to do this:
4.) Dig out your high school yearbook and share a message a friend wrote that stands out to you.
I didn’t have many signatures in my Senior Year book, so I pulled out my Sophomore Year book as a backup in hopes of finding more material.
In general, besides the hair/clothing flashbacks from the early 80’s that this project gave me, I determined that the two adjectives most used in reference to me were a) crazy and b) sweet. Yeah.
Before getting to the sweet/crazy combo, here’s the glibbest and perhaps arguably most true:
“I really can’t flatter you because you don’t have anything to praise.”* Lien
[Note – in keeping with school spirit, I have used the school colors for highlights – gold for sweet and purple for crazy.]
“You are a very nice and sweet girl. ……”The Bee Gee’s and Senior 81 are Forever #1″ Laura
“It’s been nice knowing [you] this year in 4th period your one crazy girl and I knew you’ll get what you want in life because you’ll never stop till you do Good luck with Prince Charles.” Leslie (Prince Charles??? Yikes)
“Well the year is almost over and its been really great. I’m so glad we finally go to know each other. You’re a real sweet and crazy girl. Stay that way. Best of luck in everything you do. May God richly bless your life. Remember to always stay close to him and you’ll do just fine. Behave yourself.” Deneen
“Life wouldn’t be complete without you. Stay sweet….” Marcie
You seem like a very nice and sweet girl. The best of luck in life and with that special guy. Anita
Stay sweet and pretty. Sharon
Stay sweet and never change. Paula
Take it easy over the summer and don’t get in trouble (ha ha). Mary S (I know it doesn’t specifically say “crazy” but “get in trouble” seems close enough!)
I know you thought I was CRAZY. Nita (She was referring to herself as crazy but we were best friends so it is close enough for blogging purposes!)
To a very sweet and pretty girl. Sharon (Same Sharon as above – I got two signatures from her!)
And this one, from my “vocational ed/business” teacher (after my sophomore year) is just mystifying:
“What a joy to have you in my class,” … “Best wishes and much success and happiness,” ….. “wish you would permit me to teach you more” Mrs. Adicks This is such a mystery to me because I really liked these business classes — can’t remember what gave her the impression that I didn’t want to learn more.
I know you’ll probably forget me once you graduate. Eric
Well, Eric, truth is I don’t think we ever talked again after high school. But call me next time you’re in Tallahassee and I will try to show you a sweet and crazy time!
*This is an excerpt from a longer message. Of course Lien was kidding. That’s why she followed that sentence up with this: (I hope you’re not taking me serious – see I’m smiling :-))

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
This was so coincidental and sofunny – first because my high school's colours are purple and gold, and second because people tend to refer to me as sweet (if they only knew)
great post