When Random.org handed me Mama’s Losin’ It prompt number three this week, my friend Merrio’s go-to dessert that she brings to almost every office pot luck came immediately to mind. The prompt was: Share a favorite dessert recipe.
This recipe is technically called “Chocolate Delight” but it has a naughtier nickname. I’ll get to that.
I had a plan – I would prepare the dessert over two nights (there is a little baking, a little softening (cream cheese), a little thawing, and a little chopping involved), take some pictures, and time it so I could get this blog post up then provide a nice dessert to my coworkers on Friday, after the weekly Biggest Loser Challenge weigh-in.
The problem is: I kept messing things up! I failed to thaw the whipped topping before mixing it in. I used all of the whipped topping instead of 1.5 cups, which left me completely without a white layer to go on top of the chocolate layer. The crust got hard in the refrigerator waiting for me to assemble the rest of the dessert.
What I ended up with is something passable enough for pictures:
Once you try it (and do a better job than I did of following the directions), you’ll know why the dessert’s nickname is “Better Than Sex” cake!
Nom nom nom.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
This is one of my favorite desserts. I would have taste tested or you. 🙂
Awesome! Presentation only lasts for a few secons, its the taste that is memorable (Gordon Ramsey)
Great dessert. Cheers to you and Merrio.
What is it about a fancy glass that makes dessert look so lovely? It would take me 13 seconds to demolish that. Just sayin. 🙂 #YUM
OMG Yumm!