Hello everyone! Here it is Sunday night and time to post. I am on deadline for an editing project, so I am going to take a shortcut and rely on someone else’s structure.
Every time Teacher Girl posts a “Ten on Tuesday from Chelsea at Roots and Rings,” I think “wow those are interesting questions!”. This week’s questions were centered around Thanksgiving (shocker), so I am going to answer the “Ten on Tuesday” even though it is Sunday. These questions were provided by Elizabeth at E is Random.
1. What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year?
My 12 year old son and I ran the Turkey Trot! He ran the mile and I ran the 5K. Then we headed to Thomasville (Georgia) for the family get-together at my husband’s sister’s house.
2. What are you most thankful for this year?
I am thankful that Tenley and I had the opportunity to travel to Guatemala to meet our sponsored child Silvia, and to start sponsoring Estela. I am also thankful that my husband has a job through the end of the legislative session (March 2012). Never underestimate the effect on your morale of having somewhere to go every morning.
3. Do you have any traditions on Thanksgiving? The parade? Football? Long naps?
My son and I always run the Turkey Trot. Going to Mary’s house in Thomasville has been the tradition for a long time; she has a great house for entertaining. We all pitch in to make the mounds of food that end up being consumed.
4. Is it called stuffing or dressing? Is it in the bird or a separate dish?
I use the terms interchangeably, but it has always been a separate dish. Separate dish growing up; separate dish now at Mary’s. This is partially because the birds are now fried (can you stuff a fried bird?) and partially because I really don’t want salmonella.
5. Do you cook?
It’s a group effort. My brother-in-law fries the turkeys; my husband makes a killer pumpkin-shrimp bisque; I did the green bean casserole this year. The list goes on and on.
6. What is your favorite dish?
My favorite dish is the sweet potato casserole with all of the calorie-laden junk on top. It is one of the reasons I run 3.1 miles every Thanksgiving morning.7. What is your dessert preference?
I am an equal-opportunity dessert consumer. This year’s hit (to me) was the chocolate-pecan pie. I do like fruit pies such as apple. I am not a tremendous fan of pumpkin but it is a tasty seasonal treat sometimes. But it doesn’t have chocolate in it so pumpkin pie will remain in the “sometimes” category forevermore for me.
8. What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?
I wrote about one favorite memory in last Wednesday’s post. For another favorite memory, I would have to say Thanksgiving in New York City with Wayne in 1990, watching the Macy’s Parade and eating at a Southern restaurant afterwards.
9. Do you plan to shop on Black Friday?
I did not shop on Black Friday. Although I am incredibly grateful that Wayne has work (for now), clawing our way out of the financial effects of his job loss in August 2010 is going to take a while. Rampant consumerism is leaving me cold.
10. What are you most dreading about Thanksgiving this year?
I can’t say I really dreaded anything. I knew that my niece, Kris, and her family would be staying with us. I dreaded them seeing the house in less than optimal condition. But Kris, being her wonderful self, looked past the various pet stains on the carpet and my general clutter. Spending time with her, her husband, and her kids Allie and Griffin was so great. The house seems so quiet and idle now that they have gone home.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Great post! I enjoyed reading your Thanksgiving Q&A