First of all, thank you, Mama Kat for using my suggestion as one of your prompts this week (number 1 in this list)! I am going to wait to write to that prompt in the future — it’s going to take a little research but I collected some vibrant flower photos on my recent trip to New York City that I hope to work into the post when I write it, such as this:
For tonight, I decided to stick with my tradition and I ended up with number four: ten things you would do if you didn’t have to work.
If I didn’t have to work, I would have written this blog earlier in the day (1) and I would not be facing a night with approximately 4.5 hours worth of stuff to do and about 2.5 hours to do it in.
If I didn’t have to work, I would still work (2) but the terms would be different. I would spend more time on the causes I love, throwing more of my best skills and most passionate energies into them.
If I didn’t have to work, there would be more child-centered activity in my life (3). Mother nature has decreed that there will not be any more biological children, and I am not sure if we would adopt. But I could see exchange students, preemies being cuddled at the hospital, adolescents who are adrift being given 2 hours of unconditional adult attention regularly.
If I didn’t have to work, my house would be SO MUCH MORE FlyLadied (4) (and yes I know FlyLady is for stay at home’s and working moms but for me, it would be so much more manageable with the “not working” plan).
If I didn’t have to work, my exercise life would be different (5). I could leave the wet-wipe and dry-shampoo (which really doesn’t do much shampooing) morning routines behind. Nothing like going through the entire workday pretty much as sweaty as you were after your workout. I could pick and choose better weather options, incorporate more cross-training, and really embrace that “park at the back of the parking lot and walk to the store in order to fit in more exercise” thing because I wouldn’t have to have been somewhere else five minutes ago.
If I didn’t have to work, I would go with my natural biorhythms more. That 3:00 10-minute nap (6) wouldn’t have to be taken in a parked car or …. I’ll spare you the other options …. it could be taken in a more appropriate place.
If I didn’t have to work [editor’s note – this was more of an issue when the kids were little but it still bothers me] I would never again take out my stress and frustration on my little kid on the way to day care, saying things like, “My boss is going to be so mad if I am late so HURRY UP!”. That’s not how I want my kids to think the work world works. (7)
If I didn’t have to work, I’d take day trips to do extras acting gigs in Orlando, Atlanta, Miami – anywhere! (8)
If I didn’t have to work, I would travel more and would most definitely go to Spanish language immersion school (9). [editor’s note – the “you don’t have to work” fairy has to have supplied income and health insurance for this list to manifest itself!]
If I didn’t have to work, I would walk a prayer labyrinth (10) more often, meditating on my gratitude for having a choice.
Source: Bing Images

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
I love the phrase “…so much more FlyLadied!” Great post.
Could not have said it better!!!
This is so much more thought out and inspirational than my own, thank you!
My house could use a bit of “Flylady'ing” too 🙂
Great job. Love your list. Pretty much how I feel lately too.