It is Wednesday night, which means whipping up a post based on a Mama Kat’s writing prompt.This week, the random number generator treated me to this:
Write a love poem to a favorite food.
The chosen food? A no brainer.
The poem? Well … the idea turned my brain to …
You beckon me from the seasonal aisle
Pink, lavender, yellow, mint green, baby blue, tangerine
Your tiny eyes ask, “are you gonna eat the top first”?
I make the challenging color decision,
Do a private happy dance if there is a new color
I head to office supplies
I need a padded envelope for you, precious cargo
It costs more to send you than it does to buy you
But you need one more ingredient to taste perfect
The US Postal Service
You need to get from Florida to Connecticut
Nestled in an envelope
A quickly scrawled note taped to your wrapper
Happy Spring!
Peeping in to say hi!
A new color!
Chocolate covered! Who knew?!
It’s a tradition honoring a friendship that started in 1989
A Northern “chick” and a Southern “chick” discovering common ground
through your adorable, sugary tastiness
One friend stayed North, the other went back South
Now you travel 1,207 miles each way
It’s not just two friends celebrating anymore
Four children have grown up knowing the handwriting on the envelopes that means
You peeps will taste extra special
Because you’ve “gone postal” and delivered the sweetness of friendship
Tenley (my daughter), Me, Audrey
The next generation of peep lovers (and maybe mailers!) Kimberly (Audrey’s daughter) and Tenley

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
I love your tradition! This post make me miss my best friend. We live far away now and only see each other a couple times a year.
Hey, it's Snuggles (poster above)…hi Snuggles!
My mom makes Peeps a food group. She prides herself on being a “Peep Purist,” meaning she won't eat any variation on a Peep…just the traditional peeps with no frills! She's obsessed with them!
Great post! Nice to see you over from the workshop! I took the same prompt too, but wrote an ode to a stale cookie!
That's an awesome tradition.
Ours? Blowing them up in the microwave. Barbaric, yet hilarious.
Here from Mama Kat's. Great post!
That is such a cool tradition…however, I must admit I have never ever in my life had a Peep…
Visiting from Mama Kat's
Peeps are awesome for blowing up with fireworks. 😉
Peeps are just too good and you're right, nothing says happy spring like a big ole box of 'em. Yum!
Stopping by from Mama Kat's
Mmm, Peeps! And what an adorable tradition! We don't send enough “real” mail anymore.
Visiting from MamaKat's!
-Julie from
I freaking love Peeps. I am from the town where they are made, and my dad does some consulting for Just Born, their company… Yeah, I am FULLY STOCKED with Peeps… Love it.
People either love them or hate them. I don't know what's not to love about suger coated marshmallows, but whatever.
What an awesome tradition! My husband is a big Peeps fan and he likes to open the package a few days before he plans to eat them so they get nice and stale.
~ Maya aka @MarfMom
I love this post! First of all, the subject matter is so tasty. Secondly, the poetry is wonderful. Here is the big question: Do you like them fresh or stale? I like them when they are still soft, fresh and mushy. My husband likes them to sit out for several days. Either way, I never pass them up!
I haven't seen this brand around here.. I too love eating Marshmallows..
Well I'm glad SOMEBODY eats those things! And here all this time I thought the were all going to waste. 😉
LOVE your tradition!!
Popping in from That Shaker of Salt to say I love your tradition.