This #Reverb10 prompt by Patti Digh and I found each other right when I was starting to think about how I wanted to process this year via my blog. I loved it right away:
I will admit a few things up front before I set the alarm and do my “five minutes.”
That it is sad to see my father in law aging in front of my eyes –
That I loved running with my son at Breakfast on the Track and St. George Island. That I loved discovering yoga, swimming, biking and RealRyders.
That I still seek a spiritual guidance and want that for my family.
That the oil spill made me sick – that and racism, prejudice, and hatred.
That having a love as a teenager who turned out to be gay is the best thing that ever happened to me from the standpoint of being empathetic. That he and I are still friends.
That work is something I have to come to terms with – will I always be doing this or is there something different/more/better that I can do with reverence?
That I love proofreading and so appreciate Rhett, Donna, and Barbara for entrusting their works to me (Senator McKnight as well).
That I don’t like shopping but I love big splashy wedding stuff (still). Why do they always show SuperNanny now instead of “Whose Wedding is it Anyway?” when I need an escape?!
Soapbox Derby with Wayne Kevin, and the Soap Box Derby Family.

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Great idea! I'm your newest follower. I'd appreciate a follow back. Thanks!
Nice post – come by here & following through Monday Mingle 😉
following from monday mingle, come check out Mari's Fun!. I too live in fl. Brevard county.
Great – my goal today was to celebrate my successes in 2010 – it's nice to know I only need to spend a few minutes on it – the biggest and best will arise in that time, I'm sure.
What a great post…I am a new follower from Monday mingle. See you.
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Following your blog! Please follow back!
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Thanks for your time!
Great post as always. Being a mom is always the best part of my life. And with three kids of such different ages it is the most fun thing I have ever done.
Fab post. Very inspiring. Here's to a wonderful 2011. Bring it on I say! 🙂 x