The All American Soap Box Derby is this week in Akron, Ohio!
A celebration of our local Soap Box Derby Racers and Supporters.
Building (2008):
Ready for “The Thrill of the Hill” (2010):
photo credit Frank Feliciano
RACING (2010)
photo credit Frank Feliciano
The pull of gravity + the energy of a child = the fun of Soap Box Derby!
Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Sherri says
Just visiting fromm Wordless Wednesday….what a fun post!! We just don't have anything quite like this out here in California. Perfect for kids, and it rewards patience since it seems to take quite some time to get the car ready!
alicia says
What fun! When I was a kid they did these races right by my house. Thanks for sharing and bringing back that memory for me. Happy WW. So glad you linked up.
Dawn says
There was actually just an article in my local newspaper yesterday about soap box derbies! They look like fun! Happy Wordless Wednesday! Thank you for sharing your photos.
Symphony of Love says
That looked like a really fun event which I know I would surely enjoy!
And Miles To Go... says
wow, NOW THAT looks like a lot of fun!
I am Harriet says
How fun!
Have a great Wednesday!
Stacy (the Random Cool Chick) says
Oh how fun!! His soap box car looks great! 🙂
WW: Hatching a Dinosaur Egg
WeeMasonMan's Mom says
I didn't even know that soapbox car events still existed this day in age. So cool that they still do! And awesome pictures!
Brenda says
Looks like a lot of fun.
蔡靜芳蔡靜芳 says
IT IS A VERY NICE SUGGESTION, THANK YOU LOTS!............................................................
Susan Fields says
That does look like fun! I've never seen one before – thanks for sharing the pics. Have a wonderful weekend, Paula!
錢靜怡錢靜怡錢靜怡 says
Mel says
I used to race Soap Box Derby cars (1996-2004)! Your pictures are awesome. Hope your racer did well.