@biggreenpen is seeing RED again:
True, it’s “citizen journalism,” but it’s still important to know your correspondence materials apart from your objects that stay in one place!
And, since it’s more important to respect the lives lost during the Nashville flooding than it is to quibble about spelling, I won’t make you all guess about what the error is (like I usually do). Here’s a picture of the shop referenced in the article, as the flood waters encroach:
Here are a couple of ways to help Nashvillians cope with this disaster:
Text REDCROSS to “90999” to give $10
Visit the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee to donate or get information
You can remain stationary on your couch and drop friends a note on stationery letting them know you helped!

Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
I saw that on TV. It's something.
Even 'citizen journalism' should pay attention to spelling – particularly if what they're referencing is in a featured picture. 😉
That being said, I feel for the people in Nashville – so sad.
WW: Princess Dinosaur Cookies
I heard about this as well. Flooding that is.
Very sad what's going on! I'm from Cedar Rapids where floods have left us crippled.
That flooding is incredible – what a horrible picture.
Paula, I'm going to try and remain stationary with my stationery while I comment on this post. I'll have you know that every single time I find a spelling error, I think of you. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and linking your WW post up at my place. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to make it over to your place. I'm still slowly making my way through the 70+ blogs who linked up. Thanks again. Have a great day!
Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud