Ring ring! Ring ring! Ring ring!
Tony Sturges was in the middle of reading a passage from Exodus 3:1-15 this morning at church. Moses had just encountered the flaming bush. Tony had just read, “When the Lord saw that he [Moses] had turned aside to see,” when the cell phone started ringing. It wasn’t a “ding a ling” kind of ring, more of an insistent “tech-y” sounding beep. Some readers would have ignored the ringing and forged ahead, trying to keep the parishioners focused. Not Tony. He stopped reading, and waited for the ringing to stop. My guess is that this choice was out of reverence for the word of God, not to embarrass the phone’s owner. (Or maybe it was a reflex from years of teaching college and dealing with students’ cell phones going off in the middle of lectures.) Whatever his reasoning was, it turned out to be divinely inspired, since the continuation of the sentence he was reading was, “God called to him out of the bush.” It took Tony (and the rest of us) a while to stop laughing and to regain some semblance of Sunday morning attentiveness.
There are two other thoughts related to “God’s call” that I want to share in today’s blog. The first has to do with yesterday’s Thomasville Road Baptist Church 5K/10K, a race held every year to benefit the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes. Since my blog is still (occasionally!) about running and my quest to run a 5K in less than 30 minutes, here’s a 2009 vs 2010 comparison:
Wife of one, Mom of two, Friend of many. My pronouns are she/her/hers.
Answering Service says
Great post on Answering the Call, Thanks for sharing.
answering service
Susan Fields says
Excellent point, Paula! I love the idea of “putting the pins on.” Recently in my bible study class we talked about challenging our children to perform random acts of kindness. I meant to go home and talk with them about that, but somehow life's gotten in the way and we haven't had that discussion yet. This post reminds me how important it is for all of us to “put the pins on” for others. Congrats on your improved mile time!